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Barna, C., Litoiu, M., Fokaefs, M.-E., Shtern, M., & Wigglesworth, J. (2017, October). Runtime performance management for cloud applications with adaptive controllers [Paper]. 5th International Conference in Software Engineering Research and Innovation (CONISOFT 2017), Merida, Mexico. External link
Barna, C., Fokaefs, M.-E., Litoiu, M., Shtern, M., & Wigglesworth, J. (2016, April). Cloud adaptation with control theory in industrial clouds [Paper]. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering Workshop (IC2EW 2016), Berlin, Germany. External link
Khazaei, H., Fokaefs, M.-E., Zareian, S., Beigi-Mohammadi, N., Ramprasad, B., Shtern, M., Gaikwad, P., & Litoiu, M. (2016). How do I choose the right NoSQL solution? A comprehensive theoretical and experimental survey. Big Data and Information Analytics, 1(2/3), 185-216. External link
Rouf, Y., Shtern, M., Mukherjee, J., Le, J., Fokaefs, M.-E., & Litoiu, M. (2019, November). Rule-based security management system for data-intensive applications [Paper]. Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research - 29th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON 2019), Markham, ON. External link
Rouf, Y., Shtern, M., Fokaefs, M.-E., & Litoiu, M. (2017, May). A hierarchical architecture for distributed security control of large scale systems [Paper]. 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering Companion (ICSE-C 2017), Buenos Aires, Argentina. External link
Sandel, R., Shtern, M., Fokaefs, M.-E., & Litoiu, M. (2015, October). Evaluating cluster configurations for big data processing: an exploratory study [Paper]. 9th IEEE International Symposium on the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented and Cloud-Based Environments (MESOCA 2015), Bremen, Germany. External link
Sandel, R., Fokaefs, M.-E., Shtern, M., Khazei, H., & Litoiu, M. (2015, November). To default or not to default: exposing limitations to HBase cluster deployers [Paper]. 25th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON 2015), Markham, Ont.. External link