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Arenas, I., Deslauriers, B., Sandoval, J., Seda, O., Merlo, E., Gaudet, D., Tremblay, J., Kotchen, T., Cowley, A., & Hamet, P. (2011). Dynamic Genetic Linkage of Blood Pressure Phenotypes. Journal of Hypertension, 29, e42-e43. External link
Hamet, P., Seda, O., Merlo, E., Tremblay, J., Broeckel, U., Gaudet, D., Bouchard, G., Gagnon, F., Antoniol, G., Wan, R., Pausova, Z., Gossard, F., Kotchen, T. A., Pintos, J., & Cowley, A. W. (2005). Partitioning of Extra/Intracellular Body Water Plays a Role in Specific Subsets of Hypertension Featuring Metabolic Syndrome and Premature Death. Journal of Hypertension, 23, S264-S264. Unavailable
Hamet, P., Seda, O., Merlo, E., Gaudet, D., Broeckel, U., Gagnon, F., Antoniol, G., Bouchard, G., Kotchen, T. A., & Cowley, A. W. (2004). Resolution of Complex Trait of Hypertension by Linkage, Systematic Allelic Contribution Analysis and Ancestral Data in French-Canadian Families. Journal of Hypertension, 22, S5-S5. External link
Merlo, E., Seda, O., Antoniol, G., Gaudet, D., Deslauriers, B., Tremblay, J., Cowley, A. W., Bouchard, G., & Hamet, P. (2003). Differential Genetic Contribution Density of Separable Layered Founders in Saguenay (Québec) Population. Journal of Hypertension, 21, S305-S305. Unavailable
Seda, O., Merlo, E., Tremblay, J., Broeckel, U., Kaldunski, M., Gaudet, D., Bouchard, G., Gagnon, F., Antoniol, G., Brunelle, P. L., Gurau, A., Gossard, F., Kotchen, T. A., Pausova, Z., Orlov, S. N., Wan, R., Jomphe, M., Pintos, J., Cowley, A. W., & Hamet, P. (2005, May). Hypertension with and without metabolic syndrome presents as distinct clinical and genetic entities in French-Canadians [Abstract]. European Human Genetics Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. Published in European Journal of Human Genetics, 13(S1). External link