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Carnio, B. N., Zhang, M., Schunemann, P. G., Moutanabbir, O., & Elezzabi, A. Y. (2023). Emission and sensing of high-frequency terahertz electric fields using a GaSe crystal. Optics Express, 31(2), 3304-3314. External link
Carnio, B. N., Zawilski, K. T., Schunemann, P. G., Moutanabbir, O., & Elezzabi, A. Y. (2023). Generation of 1732 THz radiation from a CdSiP2 crystal. Optics Letters, 48(5), 1200-1203. External link
Carnio, B. N., Zhang, M., Zawilski, K. T., Schunemann, P. G., Moutanabbir, O., & Elezzabi, A. Y. (2023, July). High terahertz frequency generation and detection using crystals exhibiting second-order nonlinear effects [Paper]. Optica Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting 2023, Honolulu, Hawaii. External link
Carnio, B. N., Zhang, M., Zawilski, K. T., Schunemann, P. G., Moutanabbir, O., & Elezzabi, A. Y. (2023). Intra-pulse difference frequency generation in ZnGeP2 for high-frequency terahertz radiation generation. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 8 pages. External link
Carnio, B. N., Zawilski, K. T., Schunemann, P. G., Moutanabbir, O., & Elezzabi, A. Y. (2023, July). Optical rectification and electro-optic sampling using pnictide and chalcogenide ternary crystals [Paper]. 2023 Nonlinear Optics (NLO 2023), Honolulu, HI, USA. External link