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Hazrati, M., Sheshyekani, K., Sattari, P., Nicomanesh, A., Sadeghi, H., & Moini, R. (2006, September). An Efficient Method for Evaluation of Lightning Channel-Base Current, Using Its Radiated Electromagnetic Field Data [Paper]. 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP 2006), Kanazawa, Japan. Unavailable
Sattari, P., Sheshyekani, K., Hazrati, M., Moini, R., & Sadeghi, S. H. H. (2006, February). A TDOA-based approach for locating cloud-to-ground lightning strokes, using Taylor series expansion [Paper]. 17th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Singapore. External link
Sheshyekani, K., Sattari, P., Nicomanesh, A., Sadeghi, H., & Moini, R. (2005, February). A Wavelet Based Classifier for Classification of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Strokes [Paper]. International Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC 2005), Zurich, Switzerland. Unavailable