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Cohen-Adad, J., Alonso Ortiz, E., Abramovic, M., Arneitz, C., Atcheson, N., Barlow, L., Barry, R., Barth, M., Battiston, M., Büchel, C., Budde, M. D., Callot, V., Combes, A. J.E., De Leener, B., Descoteaux, M., Sousa, P. L. , Dostál, M., Doyon, J., Dvorak, A., ... Xu, J. (2021). Author Correction: Open-access quantitative MRI data of the spinal cord and reproducibility across participants, sites and manufacturers. Scientific Data, 8(1), 251 (2 pages). Disponible
Hawari, J., & Samson, R. (1994). Biotreatability Assessment for in-Situ Treatment of Sites Impacted with Light Hydrocarbons (phase I). (Rapport technique). Non disponible
Samson, R., & Hawari, J. (1993). Démonstration sur le terrain d'un procédé de traitement in-situ pour les sols contaminés. (Rapport technique n° 2050-DET.C291). Non disponible
Samson, R., Greer, C. W., & Hawari, J. (1992). Démonstration du protocole de biotraitabilité de l'institut de recherche en biotechnologie: monitorage du bioprocédé de traitement biologique des sols contaminés à la raffinage Shell de Montréal est. (Rapport technique). Non disponible
Guiot, S., Frigon, J.-C., Albu-Cimpoia, R., Deschamps, S., Hawari, J., Sanschagrin, S., & Samson, R. Biotreatment of aqueous extracts from naphthalene and chlorobenzene-contaminated soil [Communication écrite]. 3rd International In Situ and On-Site Bioreclamation Symposium, San Diego, CA, USA. Non disponible
Thiboutot, S., Lavigne, J., Ampleman, G., Richer, G., Hawari, J., Greer, C. W., Rho, D., Renoux, A., & Samson, R. Assessment of the Biotreatability of Soil Contaminated with RDX, TNT, GAP and NC [Communication écrite]. Joint Ordnance Commanders Group and American Defense Preparedness Association Demilitarization Symposium. Non disponible
Hawari, J., Bashir, B., Leduc, R., & Samson, R. Behavior of nitrogen-substituted naphthalene in flooded soil: effect of sorption/desorption on bioavailability [Communication écrite]. 4th Annual Symposium on Ground Water and Soil Remediation, Calgary, AB, Canada. Non disponible
Thiboutot, S., Lavigne, J., Ampleman, G., Richer, G., Hawari, J., Greer, C. W., Rho, D., Renoux, A., & Samson, R. Biodegradation of Energetic Materials: Application to site restoration. [Communication écrite]. International Symposium on Energetic Materials Technology, American Defence Preparedness Association, Orlando, Florida, USA. Non disponible
Samson, R., Hawari, J., & Greer, C. W. Demonstration of the New Biotreatability Protocol to Monitor a 1500 m³ Bioreactor [Communication écrite]. 3rd Annual Symposium on Groundwater and Soil Remediation, Québec, QC. Non disponible
Greer, C. W., Hawari, J., & Samson, R. (octobre 1993). Development and Application of Techniques for Monitoring the Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons-Contaminated Soils [Communication écrite]. 10th Annual general meeting of BIOMINENT, Mississauga, ON, Canada. Non disponible
Bashir, B., Hawari, J., Samson, R., & Leduc, R. (juillet 1993). The kinetics of biodegradation of amino-PAHs in soil/water systems: effect of bioavailability [Communication écrite]. Joint CSCE-ASCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Montréal, Qc, Canada. Non disponible
Hawari, J., & Samson, R. (août 1990). Analytical chemistry and the environment: knowing the fate of PCBs in a treatment process as destruction or extraction [Communication écrite]. 7th Euroanalysis Conference, Vienne, Autriche. Non disponible
Batsy, D. R., Brown, M., Samson, R., & Stuart, P. R. (juin 2011). Impact des politiques énergétiques et des changements climatiques dans la sélection des stratégies durables de bioraffinerie forestière [Présentation]. Dans 3e Forum étudiant du CIRAIG, Montréal, Qc, Canada. Non disponible
Hawari, J., & Samson, R. (1992). Validation and Development of Analytical Methods for the Determination of Total Oil and Greases, PAHs and TPHs in Soil/slurry Bioreactors. Dans Clean-up of Contaminated Sites : Financing, Regulatory Guidelines and State-of-the-art Technologies . Non disponible