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Liberelle, B., Jalali Dil, E., Sabri, F., Favis, B. D., De Crescenzo, G., & Virgilio, N. (2021). Immobilizing enzyme biocatalysts onto porous polymer monoliths prepared from cocontinuous polymer blends. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 3(12), 6359-6365. External link
Sabri, F., Raphael, W., Berthomier, K., Fradette, L., Tavares, J. R., & Virgilio, N. (2020). One-step processing of highly viscous multiple Pickering emulsions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 560, 536-545. Available
Sabri, F. (2019). Novel Reversible “Sticky” Particles Grafted With Gelling Polysaccharides to Control the Stability of Pickering Emulsions [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal]. Available
Sabri, F., Berthomier, K., Wang, C., Fradette, L., Tavares, J. R., & Virgilio, N. (2019). Tuning particle–particle interactions to control Pickering emulsions constituents separation. Green Chemistry, 21(5), 1065-1074. Available
Sabri, F., Berthomier, K., Fradette, L., Tavares, J. R., & Virgilio, N. (2018, May). Improving the separation of Pickering emulsion constituents by using alginate-grafted particles [Poster]. 16th Conference of the International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists, Rotterdam, Pays-Bas. Unavailable
Sabri, F., Fradette, L., Tavares, J. R., & Virgilio, N. (2018, January). Improving the separation of Pickering emulsion constituents by using alginate-grafted particles [Presentation]. In Polytechnique/McGill Chemical Engineering Research Day, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Sabri, F., Berthomier, K., Marion, A., Fradette, L., Tavares, J. R., & Virgilio, N. (2018). Sodium alginate-grafted submicrometer particles display enhanced reversible aggregation/disaggregation properties. Carbohydrate Polymers, 194, 61-68. Available
Sabri, F., Fradette, L., Tavares, J. R., & Virgilio, N. (2016, March). Design and characterization of surface modified microparticles with stimuli-sensitive and reversible aggregation/disaggregation behavior [Paper]. McGill-Polytechnique Chemical Engineering Research Day, Montréal, Québec. External link
Sabri, F., Berthomier, K., Marion, A., Fradette, L., Tavares, J. R., & Virgilio, N. (2016, October). Design and characterization of surface modified silica nanoparticles with stimuli-sensitive and reversible aggregation/disaggregation behavior [Presentation]. In 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Québec, Québec. Unavailable
Sabri, F., Fradette, L., Tavares, J. R., & Virgilio, N. (2014, October). Processing of highly viscous solid-stabilized emulsions [Presentation]. In 64th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada. Unavailable