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Dans le contexte de cette page, le nuage de mots a été généré à partir des publications de l'auteur {}. Les mots présents dans ce nuage proviennent des titres, résumés et mots-clés des articles et travaux de recherche de cet auteur. En analysant ce nuage de mots, vous pouvez obtenir un aperçu des sujets et des domaines de recherche les plus récurrents et significatifs dans les travaux de cet auteur.Le nuage de mots est un outil utile pour identifier les tendances et les thèmes principaux dans un corpus de textes, facilitant ainsi la compréhension et l'analyse des contenus de manière visuelle et intuitive.
Aubertin, K., Desroches, J., Jermyn, M., Trinh, V. Q., Saad, F., Trudel, D., & Leblond, F. (2018). Combining high wavenumber and fingerprint raman spectroscopy for the detection of prostate cancer during radical prostatectomy. Biomedical Optics Express, 9(9), 4294-4305. Lien externe
Aubertin, K., Quoc-Trinh, V., Jermyn, M., Baksic, P., Grosset, A.-A., Desroches, J., St-Arnaud, K., Birlea, M., Vladoiu, M. C., Latour, M., Albadine, R., Saad, F., Leblond, F., & Trudel, D. (2018). Mesoscopic characterization of prostate cancer using Raman spectroscopy : potential for diagnostics and therapeutics. BJU International, 122(2), 326-336. Lien externe
Aubertin, K., Trinh, V., Jermyn, M., Desroches, J., St-Pierre, C., Vladoiu, M.-C., Grosset, A.-A., Saad, F., Trudel, D., & Leblond, F. (février 2014). Raman Spectroscopy for Prostate Cancer Detection and Characterization [Communication écrite]. 58th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, San Francisco, CA. Publié dans Biophysical Journal, 112(3). Lien externe
Aubertin, K., Quoc-Huy, T., Jermyn, M., St-Pierre, C., Vladoiu, M.-C., Grosset, A.-A., Saad, F., Trudel, D., & Leblond, F. (janvier 2017). Raman spectroscopy for prostate cancer detection and characterization (Conference Presentation) [Communication écrite]. Therapeutics and Diagnostics in Urology: Lasers, Robotics, Minimally Invasive and Advanced Biomedical Devices, USA. Lien externe
Beaulieu, E., Laurence, A., Birlea, M., Sheehy, G., Angulo-Rodriguez, L., Latour, M., Albadine, R., Saad, F., Trudel, D., & Leblond, F. (2020). Wide-field optical spectroscopy system integrating reflectance and spatial frequency domain imaging to measure attenuation-corrected intrinsic tissue fluorescence in radical prostatectomy specimens. Biomedical Optics Express, 11(4), 2052-2072. Disponible
Grosset, A.-A., Dallaire, F., Nguyen, T., Birlea, M., Wong, J., Daoust, F., Roy, N., Kougioumoutzakis, A., Azzi, F., Aubertin, K., Kadoury, S., Latour, M., Albadine, R., Prendeville, S., Boutros, P., Fraser, M., Bristow, R. G., van der Kwast, T., Orain, M., ... Trudel, D. (2020). Identification of intraductal carcinoma of the prostate on tissue specimens using Raman micro-spectroscopy: A diagnostic accuracy case-control study with multicohort validation. Plos Medicine, 17(8), e1003281 (20 pages). Lien externe
Guay-Lord, R., Lateef, M. A., Simeone, K., Péant, B., Kendall-Dupont, J., Mes-Masson, A.-M., Gervais, T., & Saad, F. (2017). Microfluidic Devices and Micro-Dissected Tissue to Predict Therapeutic Response in Patients with Prostate Cancer. Dans Advances in Experimental Surgery. Volume 2 . Lien externe
Lateef, M. A., Péant, B., Rousset, N., Simeone, K., Kendall-Dupont, J., Mari Orimoto, A., Mes-Masson, A.-M., Gervais, T., & Saad, F. (juin 2016). Rapid prediction of personalized response to chemotherapy using sub-millimeter ex-vivo biopsy samples on chip [Affiche]. Congrès annuel de l'Association des urologues du Canada (CUA 2016), Vancouver, B.-C.. Lien externe
Lateef, M. A., Péant, B., Carmona, E., Rousset, N., Simeone, K., Kendall-Dupont, J., Orimoto, A. M., Mes-Masson, A.-M., Gervais, T., & Saad, F. (juin 2016). The use of a microfluidic chip platform for the ex vivo rapid measurement of chemotherapeutic responses in 3D sub millimeter biopsy samples . Dans American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting I, Chicago, Illinois. Publié dans Journal of Clinical Oncology, 34(15_suppl). Lien externe
Plante, A., Dallaire, F., Grosset, A.-A., Nguyen, T., Birlea, M., Wong, J., Daoust, F., Roy, N., Kougioumoutzakis, A., Azzi, F., Aubertin, K., Kadoury, S., Latour, M., Albadine, R., Prendeville, S., Boutros, P., Fraser, M., Bristow, R. G., Van Der Kwast, T., ... Leblond, F. (2021). Dimensional reduction based on peak fitting of Raman micro spectroscopy data improves detection of prostate cancer in tissue specimens. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 26(11), 14 pages. Lien externe
Simeone, K., Peant, B., Carmona, E., Provencher, D., Saad, F., Gervais, T., & Mes-Masson, A.-M. (octobre 2020). An ex vivo tumor-derived model to study the effect of therapeutic agents used for the treatement of cancer patients [Communication écrite]. 24th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2020). Non disponible
Shams, R., Picot, F., Grajales, D., Sheehy, G., Dallaire, F., Birlea, M., Saad, F., Trudel, D., Menard, C., Leblond, F., & Kadoury, S. (2020). Pre-clinical evaluation of an image-guided in-situ Raman spectroscopy navigation system for targeted prostate cancer interventions. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 15(5), 867-876. Lien externe
Simeone, K., Guay-Lord, R., Lateef, M. A., Péant, B., Kendall-Dupont, J., Orimoto, A. M., Carmona, E., Provencher, D., Saad, F., Gervais, T., & Mes-Masson, A.-M. (2019). Paraffin-embedding lithography and micro-dissected tissue micro-arrays: tools for biological and pharmacological analysis of ex vivo solid tumors. Lab on a Chip, 19(4), 693-705. Lien externe
Simeone, K., Guay-Lord, R., Lateef, A. M., Peant, B., Carmona, E., Kendall-Dupont, J., Orimoto, A. M., Provencher, D., Saad, F., Mes-Masson, A.-M., & Gervais, T. (novembre 2018). Micro-dissected tissue microarrays for drug discovery and therapeutic response assays on ex vivo tumor samples [Communication écrite]. 22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2018), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Non disponible
Simeone, K., Guay-Lord, R., Lateef, M. A., Péant, B., Carmona, E., Kendall-Dupont, J., Orimoto, A. M., Gervais, T., Mes-Masson, A.-M., & Saad, F. (2018). Novel ex vivo patient-derived 3D model as a powerful tool to apply precision medicine. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 36(15_suppl), 12086-12086. Lien externe