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Audet, E., Mighri, F., Rodrigue, D., & Ajji, A. (2018). Cellular morphology optimization of polypropylene/CaCO₃ composite films designed for piezoelectric applications. Cellular Polymers, 37(3), 103-119. External link
Audet, E., Mighri, F., Rodrigue, D., & Ajji, A. (2015). Effect of Biaxial Stretching Temperature and Gas Diffusion Expansion on Cellular Morphology of PP/CaCO₃ and PP/talc Cellular Films. Cellular Polymers, 34(5), 233-248. External link
Chimeni-Yomeni, D., Fazli, A., Dubois, C., & Rodrigue, D. (2022). Low density polyethylene composites based on flax fibers modified by a combination of coupling agent. Polymer Engineering & Science, 62(11), 3553-3565. External link
Chimeni-Yomeni, D., Faye, A., Rodrigue, D., & Dubois, C. (2021). Behavior of polyethylene composites based on hemp fibers treated by surface-initiated catalytic polymerization. Polymer Composites, 42(5), 2334-2348. External link
Chimeni, D. Y., Dubois, C., & Rodrigue, D. (2018). Polymerization compounding of hemp fibers to improve the mechanical properties of linear medium density polyethylene composites. Polymer Composites, 39(8), 2860-2870. External link
Chimeni, D. Y., Hirschberg, V., Dubois, C., & Rodrigue, D. (2018). Rheological behavior of composites made from linear medium-density polyethylene and hemp fibers treated by surface-initiated catalytic polymerization. Rheologica Acta, 57(6-7), 445-457. External link
Chimeni, D. Y., Toupe, J. L., Dubois, C., & Rodrigue, D. (2016). Effect of hemp surface modification on the morphological and tensile properties of linear medium density polyethylene (LMDPE) composites. Composite Interfaces, 23(5), 405-421. External link
Chimeni, D. Y., Toupe, J. L., Dubois, C., & Rodrigue, D. (2016). Effect of surface modification on the interface quality between hemp and linear medium-density polyethylene. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133(32), 9 pages. External link
Dubois, C., Rajabian, M., & Rodrigue, D. (2006). Polymerization compounding of polyurethane-fumed silica composites. Polymer Engineering and Science, 46(3), 360-371. External link
Jahan, N., Mighri, F., Rodrigue, D., & Ajji, A. (2019). Effect of the inflation strategy on the piezoelectric response of cellular poly(vinylidene fluoride) ferroelectret. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 136(20), 8 pages. External link
Jahan, N., Mighri, F., Rodrigue, D., & Ajji, A. (2019). Thermally stable cellular poly(vinylidene) ferroelectrets: Optimization of CO₂ driven inflation process. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 136(40), 47929 (9 pages). External link
Jahan, N., Mighri, F., Rodrigue, D., & Ajji, A. (2018). Synergistic improvement of piezoelectric properties of PVDF/ CaCO3/montmorillonite hybrid nanocomposites. Applied Clay Science, 152, 93-100. External link
Jahan, N., Mighri, F., Rodrigue, D., & Ajji, A. (2017). Enhanced electroactive β phase in three phase PVDF/CaCO₃/nanoclay composites: Effect of micro-CaCO₃ and uniaxial stretching. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 134(24), 11 pages. External link
Mirabolghasemi, A., Akbarzadeh, H., Rodrigue, D., & Therriault, D. (2018). Thermal Conductivity Of Advanced Architected Cellular Materials. Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, -. External link
Mohebbi, A., Mighri, F., Ajji, A., & Rodrigue, D. (2018). Cellular Polymer Ferroelectret: A Review on Their Development and Their Piezoelectric Properties. Advances in Polymer Technology, 37(2), 468-483. External link
Mohebbi, A., Mighri, F., Ajji, A., & Rodrigue, D. (2017). Effect of Processing Conditions on the Cellular Morphology of Polypropylene Foamed Films for Piezoelectric Applications. Cellular Polymers, 36(1), 13-34. External link
Mohebbi, A., Mighri, F., Ajji, A., & Rodrigue, D. (2017). Polymer ferroelectret based on polypropylene foam: piezoelectric properties improvement using post-processing thermomechanical treatment. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 134(10). External link
Mohebbi, A., Mighri, F., Ajji, A., & Rodrigue, D. (2017). Polymer ferroelectret based on polypropylene foam: piezoelectric properties prediction using dynamic mechanical analysis. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 28(4), 476-483. External link
Mohebbi, A., Mighri, F., Ajji, A., & Rodrigue, D. (2015). Current issues and challenges in polypropylene foaming: A review. Cellular Polymers, 34(6), 299-337. External link
Niknam, H., Akbarzadeh, H., Therriault, D., & Rodrigue, D. (2018, May). Mechanical Analysis Of Multi-Directional Functionally Graded Cellular Plates [Paper]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress (CSME 2018), Toronto, ON, Canada. Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering. External link