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De Paula Ferreira, W., Armellini, F., de Santa-Eulalia, L. A., & Rebolledo, C. (2021). Modelling and Simulation in Industry 4.0. In Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0: A Collection of Innovative Research Case-studies that are Reworking the Way We Look at Industry 4.0 Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 928, pp. 57-72). External link
De Paula Ferreira, W., Armellini, F., Santa-Eulalia, L. A., & Rebolledo, C. (2019, August). Simulation-based approaches in industry 4.0 : a systematic literature review and meta-analysis [Paper]. Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence Technologies (INAIT 2019), Cambridge, UK. Unavailable
Margni, M., Munch, F., Plouffe, S., Sauvé, S., Pelletier, J., Rebolledo, C., Beaulieu, M., Roy, J., & Ponce, S. (2016). Les outils, les ressources et les savoirs existants. In Sauvé, S., Normandin, D., & McDonald, M. (eds.), L'économie circulaire : une transition incontournable (pp. 127-147). External link