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Lu, X., Sun, J., Liu, Z., Pan, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, D., Lin, Y., & Qu, X. (2021). Scalable Synthesis of Hollow MoS2 Nanoparticles Modified on Porous Ni for Improved Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 168(5), 9 pages. External link
Tan, Q., Li, P., Han, K., Liu, Z., Li, Y., Zhao, W., He, D., An, F., Qin, M., & Qu, X. (2019). Chemically bubbled hollow Fe: XO nanospheres anchored on 3D N-doped few-layer graphene architecture as a performance-enhanced anode material for potassium-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7(2), 744-754. External link
Pan, Y., Lu, X., Volinsky, A. A., Liu, B., Xiao, S., Zhou, C., Li, Y., Chen, M., & Qu, X. (2019). Tribological and mechanical properties of copper matrix composites reinforced with carbon nanotube and alumina nanoparticles. Materials Research Express, 6(11), 11 pages. External link
Liu, Z., Han, K., Li, P., Wang, W., He, D., Tan, Q., Wang, L., Li, Y., Qin, M., & Qu, X. (2019). Tuning Metallic Co0.85Se Quantum Dots/Carbon Hollow Polyhedrons with Tertiary Hierarchical Structure for High-Performance Potassium Ion Batteries. Nano-Micro Letters, 11(1), 96 (14 pages). Available
Li, Y., Li, P., Tan, Q., Zhang, Z., Wan, Q., Liu, Z., Subramanian, A., & Qu, X. (2018). Thermal properties and cycling performance of Ca(BH4)2/MgH2composite for energy storage. Chemical Physics Letters, 700, 44-49. External link