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Choi, B., Kollias, N., Zeng, H., Kang, H. W., Wong, B. J. F., Ilgner, J. F., Tearney, G. J., Gregory, K. W., Marcu, L., Skala, M. C., Campagnola, P. J., Mandelis, A., Morris, M. D., Madore, W.-J., De Montigny, E., Deschênes, A., Benboujja, F., Leduc, M., Mes-Masson, A.-M., ... Godbout, N. (2016, February). Morphologic 3D scanning of fallopian tubes to assist ovarian cancer diagnosis [Paper]. Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics XII, San Francisco, California. External link
Das, T., Meunier, L., Barbe, L., Provencher, D., Guenat, O. T., Gervais, T., & Mes-Masson, A.-M. (2013). Empirical chemosensitivity testing in a spheroid model of ovarian cancer using a microfluidics-based multiplex platform. Biomicrofluidics, 7(1). External link
Hawkins, S. M., Patra, B., Lateef, M. A., Brodeur, M. N., Fleury, H., Carmona, E., Péant, B., Provencher, D., Mes-Masson, A.-M., & Gervais, T. (2020). Carboplatin sensitivity in epithelial ovarian cancer cell lines: The impact of model systems. PLOS One, 15(12), 17 pages. Available
Mes-Masson, A.-M., Caceres, K., Barrès, V.́., Das, T., Meunier, L., Guenat, O. T., Gervais, T., Tonin, P., & Provencher, D. (2012). Biomarkers in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer—or Should We Go with the Flow? Biology of Reproduction, 87(Suppl_1), 81-81. External link
Simeone, K., Peant, B., Carmona, E., Provencher, D., Saad, F., Gervais, T., & Mes-Masson, A.-M. (2020, October). An ex vivo tumor-derived model to study the effect of therapeutic agents used for the treatement of cancer patients [Paper]. 24th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2020). Unavailable
Simeone, K., Guay-Lord, R., Lateef, M. A., Péant, B., Kendall-Dupont, J., Orimoto, A. M., Carmona, E., Provencher, D., Saad, F., Gervais, T., & Mes-Masson, A.-M. (2019). Paraffin-embedding lithography and micro-dissected tissue micro-arrays: tools for biological and pharmacological analysis of ex vivo solid tumors. Lab on a Chip, 19(4), 693-705. External link
Simeone, K., Guay-Lord, R., Lateef, A. M., Peant, B., Carmona, E., Kendall-Dupont, J., Orimoto, A. M., Provencher, D., Saad, F., Mes-Masson, A.-M., & Gervais, T. (2018, November). Micro-dissected tissue microarrays for drug discovery and therapeutic response assays on ex vivo tumor samples [Paper]. 22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2018), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Unavailable