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da Veiga Moreira, J., Jolicoeur, M., Schwartz, L., & Peres, S. (2021). Fine-tuning mitochondrial activity in Yarrowia lipolytica for citrate overproduction. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 878 (11 pages). Available
da Veiga Moreira, J., Hamraz, M., Abolhassani, M., Schwartz, L., Jolicoeur, M., & Peres, S. (2019). Metabolic therapies inhibit tumor growth in vivo and in silico. Scientific Reports, 9(1). Available
Laflaquière, B., Leclercq, G., Choey, C., Chen, J., Peres, S., Ito, C., & Jolicoeur, M. (2018). Identifying biomarkers of Wharton's Jelly mesenchymal stromal cells using a dynamic metabolic model: the cell passage effect. Metabolites, 8(1), 18. Available
Peres, S., Jolicoeur, M., Moulin, C., Dague, P., & Schuster, S. (2017). How important is thermodynamics for identifying elementary flux modes? PLOS One, 12(2), 1-20. Available
Ren, X., Deschênes, J.-S., Tremblay, R., Peres, S., & Jolicoeur, M. (2019). A kinetic metabolic study of lipid production in Chlorella protothecoides under heterotrophic condition. Microbial Cell Factories, 18(1), 113 (13 pages). External link
Schwartz, L., Peres, S., Jolicoeur, M., & Moreira, J. V. (2020). Cancer and Alzheimer's disease: intracellular pH scales the metabolic disorders. Biogerontology, 21(6), 683-694. External link
Zhao, X., Kasbi, M., Chen, J., Peres, S., & Jolicoeur, M. (2017). A dynamic metabolic flux analysis of ABE (acetone-butanol-ethanol) fermentation by Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824, with riboflavin as a by-product. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 114(12), 2907-2919. External link