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Bouzid, A. H., Derenne, M., Marchand, L., & Payne, J. R. (2001). Service Temperature Characterization of Polytetrafluoroethylene-Based Gaskets. Journal of testing and evaluation, 29(5), 442-452. External link
Derenne, M., Payne, J. R., Bouzid, A., & Marchand, L. (1998, January). Proposed modifications to draft 9 of the standard test method for gasket constants for bolted joint design [Paper]. Fluid sealing association symposium, Nashville, TN. Unavailable
Derenne, M., Payne, J. R., Marchand, L., & Bazergui, A. (1998). PVRC/MTI technology for characterizatizing technology gasket used in bolted flanged connections. In Bickford, J. H. (ed.), Gaskets and gasketed joints (pp. 137-302). External link
Derenne, M., Marchand, L., Payne, J. R., & Muzzo, U. (1997). Elevated temperature characterization of flexible graphite sheet materials for bolted flanged joints. Welding Research Council Bulletin, 419, 1-88. Unavailable
Derenne, M., Marchand, L., & Payne, J. R. (1996, July). Characterization behaviour of flexible graphite sheet gasket materials [Paper]. 1996 8th International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology, ICPVT-8, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Derenne, M., Marchand, L., & Payne, J. R. (1996, January). Characterization of the hot relaxation and gross leakage resistance behaviour of PTFE based gasket material [Paper]. 4ième colloque international sur l'étanchéité des assemblages boulonnés statiques avec joints CETIM, Mandelieu-La-Napoule, France. Unavailable
Derenne, M., Payne, J. R., & Marchand, L. (1996, January). Development of test procedures for fire resistance qualification of gaskets [Paper]. Technical symposium of the fluid sealing association, Houston, Texas. Unavailable
Derenne, M., Marchand, L., Payne, J. R., & Muzzo, U. (1995, February). Elevated temperature characterization of flexible, graphite sheet gasket materials [Paper]. 1995 SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI. Published in Sae-Papers, 13(2). External link
Derenne, M., Marchand, L., Bazergui, A., & Payne, J. R. (1994). Elevated temperature testing of gaskets for bolted flanged connections. Welding Research Council Bulletin, 391, 1-37. Unavailable
Derenne, M., Payne, J. R., Marchand, L., & Bazergui, A. (1992). Development of Test Procedures For Fire Resistance Qualification of Gaskets. In Nau, B. S. (ed.), Fluid Sealing (pp. 193-207). External link
Hollinger, G. L., Hsu, K. H., Payne, J. R., Derenne, M., Bouzid, H., Marchand, L., Mueller, R., Waterland, J., & Winter, R. (1999, January). Look at today's gasket evaluation technology [Paper]. 1st International Conference on Sealing Technology & Plant Leakage Reduction, Charlotte, NC. Unavailable
Hsu, K. H., Payne, J. R., & Derenne, M. (1996, July). Recent developments in PVRC gasket testing [Paper]. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) pressure vessels and piping conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Marchand, L., Derenne, M., & Payne, J. R. (1998). Summary of gasket steam leakage tests. Welding Research Council Bulletin, 431, 1-46. Unavailable