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Haoues, L., Olekhnovitch, A., & Teyssedou, A. (2009). Numerical study of the influence of the internal structure of a horizontal bubbly flow on the average void fraction. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 239(1), 147-157. External link
Haoues, L., Olekhnovitch, A., & Teyssedou, A. (2008). Influence of the void fraction profile on the distribution parameter C0 for a bubbly gas-liquid flow in a horizontal round pipe. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 238(4), 1155-1158. External link
Haoues, L., Olekhnovitch, A., & Teyssedou, A. (2008, May). Numerical study of the influence of the internal structure of a horizontal bubbly flow on the average void fraction [Paper]. 16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 16), Orlando, Florida. Unavailable
Olekhnovitch, A., Sun, J., & Teyssedou, A. (2008). A Complex but Accurate Correlation for Predicting Critical Heat Flux in a Round Tube for Low and Medium Pressures Under Circumferentially Non-Uniform Heating Conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 51(7-8), 2041-2054. External link
Olekhnovitch, A., & Teyssedou, A. (2008, October). Method and apparatus for studying water choking flow under supercritical pressure conditions [Paper]. International Workshop "Supercritical Water and Steam in Nuclear Power Engineering : Problems and Solutions, Moscow, Russia. Unavailable
Olekhnovitch, A. (2008). Wall Temperature Drop Observed Just Before Dryout Type Critical Heat Flux. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 47(9), 1158-1168. External link
Olekhnovitch, A. (2007, August). Particularités du flux de chaleur critique à des pressions faibles [Paper]. 18e Congrès français de mécanique, Grenoble, France. Unavailable
Olekhnovitch, A. (2007). Unusual characteristics of onset nucleate boiling and heat transfer crisis for forced convection flow of water in uniformly heated round tubes. Fiziko-tehnitcheskie problemy yadernoi energetiki, 8, 36-37. Unavailable
Olekhnovitch, A., Teyssedou, A., Tye, P., & Felisari, R. (2005). An empirical correlation for calculating steam-water two-phase pressure drop in uniformly heated vertical round tubes. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 31(3), 358-370. External link
Olekhnovitch, A., & Teyssedou, A. (2004). Method of treatment of experimental data for heat transfer crisis in dispersed-annular steam-water flow. Fiziko-tehnitcheskie problemy yadernoi energetiki, MEPhI-2004, 8, 157-158. Unavailable
Olekhnovitch, A., Teyssedou, A., & Tye, P. (2002). On the Round Table Discussion on Reactor Power Margins Published in Nuclear Engineering and Design 163 (1-2). Nuclear Engineering and Design, 216(1-3), 239-245. External link
Olekhnovitch, A., Teyssedou, A., Tye, P., & Champagne, P. (2001). Critical Heat Flux Under Choking Flow Conditions - Part I - Outlet Pressure Fluctuations. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 205(1-2), 159-173. External link
Olekhnovitch, A., Teyssedou, A., & Tye, P. (2001). Critical Heat Flux Under Choking Flow Conditions - Part II - Maximum Values of Flow Parameters Attained Under Choking Flow Conditions. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 205(1-2), 175-190. External link
Olekhnovitch, A., Teyssedou, A., & Tye, P. (2000). New Representation of the Dryout Type Critical Heat Flux. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 39(1), 63-73. External link
Olekhnovitch, A., Teyssedou, A., & Tye, P. (2000). On the Round Table Discussion on Reactor Power Margins Published in Nuclear Engineering and Design 163 (1-2) 1996. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 201(2-3), 335-346. External link
Olekhnovitch, A., Teyssedou, A., Tapucu, A., Champagne, P., & Groeneveld, D. C. (1999). Critical heat flux in a vertical tube at low and medium pressures. Pt. I. Experimental results. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 193(1-2), 73-89. External link
Olekhnovitch, A., Teyssedou, A., & Tye, P. (1999). Critical heat flux in a vertical tube at low and medium pressures. Pt. II. New data representation. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 193(1-2), 91-103. External link
Olekhnovitch, A., Teyssedou, A., & Tye, P. (1999, May). Nouvelle représentation du flux de chaleur critique [Paper]. IVe colloque interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois: thermique des systèmes à température modérée, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Olekhnovitch, A. (1997). Etude du flux de chaleur critique à des pressions faibles [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Popov, A. V., & Olekhnovitch, A. (2012). Adapting the feed-back model to dynamic core heterogeneity. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 48, 134-137. External link
Popov, A. V., Li, X., Olekhnovitch, A., & Fassi Fehri, M. (2012). Further improving LBLOCA resistance of CANDU cooled by light water. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 50, 256-262. External link
Popov, A. V., Olekhnovitch, A., & Fehri, M. F. (2012). LBLOCA in CANDU-NG cooled by light water. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 45, 161-165. External link
Popov, A. V., Fehri, M. F., Chambon, R. P., Marleau, G., Teyssedou, A., Olekhnovitch, A., Popescu, O. M., & Mureithi, N. W. (2009, May). Ensuring negative coolant-void reactivity in CANDU Generation III+ [Paper]. International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods and Reactor Physics, Saratoga Springs, NY, United states. Unavailable
Popov, A. V., Marleau, G., & Olekhnovitch, A. (2008, October). The third generation of heavywater moderated reactors [Paper]. 16th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Aomori, Japan. Unavailable
Sun, J., Olekhnovitch, A., Tye, P., & Teyssedou, A. (2005, June). Critical heat flux (CHF) data in vertical flows subjected to angular non-uniform heat flux distributions [Paper]. CNS Annual Conference, Toronto. Unavailable
Teyssedou, A., & Olekhnovitch, A. (2001). Experimental study of CHF in the horizontal convection bank and wall membrane tubes of industrial boilers. (Technical Report n° P2622). Unavailable
Teyssedou, A., Olekhnovitch, A., Tapucu, A., Champagne, P., & Groeneveld, D. (1994). Critical heat flux data in a vertical tube at low and medium pressures. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 149(1-3), 185-194. External link