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Nombre de documents: 35


Bernaerts, M., Oakes, B., Vanherpen, K., Aelvoet, B., Vangheluwe, H., & Denil, J. (septembre 2019). Validating industrial requirements with a contract-based approach [Communication écrite]. 22nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C 2019), Munich, Germany. Lien externe


Dhaouadi, M., Oakes, B., & Famelis, M. (avril 2024). Rationale Dataset and Analysis for the Commit Messages of the Linux Kernel Out-of-Memory Killer [Communication écrite]. 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2024), Lisbon, Portugal. Lien externe

Dhaouadi, M., Oakes, B., & Famelis, M. (octobre 2022). End-to-End Rationale Reconstruction [Communication écrite]. 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Rochester, MI, USA. Lien externe

Dhaouadi, M., Oakes, B., & Famelis, M. (octobre 2023). Towards Understanding and Analyzing Rationale in Commit Messages using a Knowledge Graph Approach [Communication écrite]. 5th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-driven Engineering Co-located with MODELS, Västerås, Sweden. Lien externe


Elaasar, M., Rouquette, N., Wagner, D., Oakes, B., Hamou-Lhadj, A., & Hamdaqa, M. (octobre 2023). openCAESAR: Balancing agility and rigor in model-based systems engineering [Communication écrite]. 5th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-driven Engineering Co-located with MODELS, Västerås, Sweden. Lien externe


Gil, S., Oakes, B., Gomes, C., Frasheri, M., & Larsen, P. G. (2024). Toward a systematic reporting framework for Digital Twins: a cooperative robotics case study. SIMULATION, 27 pages. Lien externe

Gomes, C., Oakes, B., Moradi, M., Torres Gamiz, A. C., Mendo, J., Dutre, S., Denil, J., & Vangheluwe, H. (juillet 2019). HintCO: Hint-based configuration of co-simulations [Communication écrite]. 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2019), Prague, Czech Republic. Lien externe


Karaduman, B., Oakes, B., Eslampanah, R., Denil, J., Vangheluwe, H., & Challenger, M. (2022). An Architecture and Reference Implementation for WSN-Based IoT Systems. Dans Taser, P. Y. (édit.), Emerging Trends in IoT and Integration with Data Science, Cloud Computing, and Big Data Analytics (p. 80-103). Lien externe


Lucio, L., Oakes, B., Gomes, C., Selim, G. M. K., Dingel, J., Cordy, J. R., & Vangheluwe, H. (septembre 2015). SyVOLT: Full Model Transformation Verification Using Contract [Communication écrite]. Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2015), Ottawa, Ont.. Lien externe

Lúcio, L., Oakes, B., & Vangheluwe, H. (2014). A technique for symbolically verifying properties of graph-based model transformations. (Rapport technique n° SOCS-TR-2014.1). Non disponible


Moradi, M., Oakes, B., Saraoglu, M., Morozov, A., Janschek, K., & Denil, J. (juin 2020). Exploring fault parameter space using reinforcement learning-based fault injection [Communication écrite]. 50th IEEE/IFIP Annual International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2020), Valencia, Spain. Lien externe

Moradi, M., Oakes, B., & Denil, J. (septembre 2020). Machine learning-assisted fault injection [Communication écrite]. 39th International Conference on Computer Safety, reliability and Security (SAFECOMP 2020), Lisbon, Portugal (4 pages). Lien externe

Meyers, B., Gadeyne, K., Oakes, B., Bernaerts, M., Vangheluwe, H., & Denil, J. (septembre 2019). A model-driven engineering framework to support the functional safety process [Communication écrite]. 22nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C 2019), Munich, Germany. Lien externe

Moradi, M., Gomes, C., Oakes, B., & Denil, J. (juillet 2019). Optimizing fault injection in FMI co-simulation through sensitivity partitioning [Communication écrite]. Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSim 2019), Berlin, Germany. Lien externe


2024 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM) [Communication écrite] (mai 2024). Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM 2024), Washington, DC, USA. Lien externe

Oakes, B., Famelis, M., & Sahraoui, H. (2024). Building Domain-Specific Machine Learning Workflows: A Conceptual Framework for the State-of-the-Practice. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 33(4), 1-50. Disponible

Oakes, B., Parsai, A., Meyers, B., David, I., Mierlo, S. V., Demeyer, S., Denil, J., Meulenaere, P. D., & Vangheluwe, H. (février 2022). A Digital Twin Description Framework and Its Mapping to Asset Administration Shell [Communication écrite]. Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, Cham (24 pages). Lien externe

Oakes, B., Gomes, C., Larsen, P. G., Denil, J., Deantoni, J., Cambeiro, J., & Fitzgerald, J. (mai 2023). Examining model qualities and their impact on digital twins [Communication écrite]. Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM 2023), Hamilton, Canada. Lien externe

Oakes, B., Troya, J., Galasso, J., & Wimmer, M. (2023). Fault localization in DSLTrans model transformations by combining symbolic execution and spectrum-based analysis. Software and Systems Modeling, 27 pages. Lien externe

Oakes, B., Gomes, C., Holzinger, F. R., Benedikt, M., Denil, J., & Vangheluwe, H. (juillet 2019). Hint-Based Configuration of Co-simulations with Algebraic Loops [Communication écrite]. Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2019), Prague, Czech Republic (28 pages). Non disponible

Oakes, B., Parsai, A., Van Mierlo, S., Demeyer, S., Denil, J., De Meulenaere, P., & Vangheluwe, H. (février 2021). Improving digital twin experience reports [Communication écrite]. 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2021). Lien externe

Oakes, B., Moradi, M., Van Mierlo, S., Vangheluwe, H., & Denil, J. (septembre 2021). Machine learning-based fault injection for hazard analysis and risk assessment [Communication écrite]. 40th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP 2021), York, England. Lien externe

Oakes, B., Meyers, B., Janssens, D., & Vangheluwe, H. (septembre 2021). Structuring and Accessing Knowledge for Historical and Streaming Digital Twins [Communication écrite]. 1st Workshop on Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modelling of Digital Twins¸, co-located with Semantics 2021, Amsterdam, NL (13 pages). Non disponible

Oakes, B., Franceschini, R., Van Mierlo, S., & Vangheluwe, H. (septembre 2019). The computational notebook paradigm for multi-paradigm modeling [Communication écrite]. 22nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C 2019), Munich, Germany. Lien externe

Oakes, B., Verbrugge, C., Lúcio, L., & Vangheluwe, H. (octobre 2018). Debugging of Model Transformations and Contracts in SyVOLT [Communication écrite]. MDEbug Workshop, colocated with 21st Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS MDEbug 2018), Copenhagen, Denmark. Lien externe

Oakes, B., Troya, J., Lucio, L., & Wimmer, M. (septembre 2015). Full contract verification for ATL using symbolic execution [Communication écrite]. 18th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2015), Ottawa, Canada. Publié dans Software and Systems Modeling, 17(3). Lien externe

Oakes, B. (2018). A Symbolic Execution-Based Approach to Model Transformation Verification Using Structural Contracts [Thèse de doctorat, McGill University]. Lien externe

Oakes, B., Troya, J., Lucio, L., & Wimmer, M. (septembre 2015). Fully verifying transformation contracts for declarative ATL [Communication écrite]. 18th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2015), Ottawa, Canada. Lien externe

Oakes, B. (2014). Optimizing Simulink models. (Rapport technique n° CS-TR-2014.5). Lien externe

Oakes, B. (2013). Practical and theoretical issues of evolving behaviour trees for a turn-based game [Thèse de maîtrise, McGill University]. Lien externe


Selim, G. M. K., Cordy, J. R., Dingel, J., Lúcio, L., & Oakes, B. (septembre 2015). Finding and fixing bugs in model transformations with formal verification: An experience report [Communication écrite]. 4th Workshop on the Analysis of Model Transformations co-located with the 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2015), Ottawa, Ont.. Lien externe

Selim, G. M. K., Lucio, L., Cordy, J. R., Dingel, J., & Oakes, B. (juillet 2014). Specification and verification of graph-based model transformation properties [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2014) held as part of Conference on Software Technologies - Applications and Foundations (STAF 2014), York, England. Lien externe


Varaminybahnemiry, Z., Galasso, J., Oakes, B., & Sahraoui, H. (2024). Improving repair of semantic ATL errors using a social diversity metric. Software and Systems Modeling, 22-22. Lien externe

Van Mierlo, S., Oakes, B., Van Acker, B., Eslampanah, R., Denil, J., & Vangheluwe, H. (juin 2020). Exploring Validity Frames in Practice [Communication écrite]. First International Conference on Systems Modelling and Management (ICSMM 2020), Bergen, Norway. Lien externe

Van Acker, B., Oakes, B., Moradi, M., Demeulenaere, P., & Denil, J. (octobre 2020). Validity frame concept as effort-cutting technique within the verification and validation of complex cyber-physical systems [Communication écrite]. 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2020). Lien externe

Liste produite: 14 mars 2025 à 07 h 53.