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Cerón, C., Nancel-Penard, P., & Morales, N. (2020, December). Application of a semi-automatic method for optimal ramp design [Paper]. 8th International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining (MASSMIN 2020), Santiago, Chile. External link
Díaz, C., Parra, A., Nancel-Penard, P., & Morales, N. (2017, August). Semi-automatic generation of ramps in open pit mining using mathematical programming [Paper]. 5th International Seminar on Mine Planning (MinePlanning 2017), Santiago, Chile. External link
Espejo, N., Morales, N., & Nancel-Penard, P. (2019). A methodology for automatic ramp design in open pit mines. Journal of Mining Engineering & Research, 1(2), 87-93. External link
Espejo, N., Nancel-Penard, P., & Morales, N. (2019, June). A procedure to generate optimized ramp designs using mathematical programming [Paper]. 39th International Symposium on Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (APCOM 2019), Wroclaw, Poland. External link
Jelvez, E., Morales, N., Nancel-Penard, P., & Cornillier, F. (2020). A new hybrid heuristic algorithm for the precedence constrained production scheduling problem: A mining application. Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 94, 102046 (11 pages). External link
Jélvez, E., Morales, N., & Nancel-Penard, P. (2018, November). Open-pit mine production scheduling: Improvements to MineLib library problems [Paper]. 27th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2018), Santiago, Chile. External link
Jelvez, E., Morales, N., Nancel-Penard, P., Peypouquet, J., & Reyes, P. (2016). Aggregation heuristic for the open-pit block scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 249(3), 1169-1177. External link
Jélvez, E., Morales, N., & Nancel-Penard, P. (2015, June). MIP based heuristics to optimize block scheduling: Improving known solutions in Minelib [Paper]. CORS/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Montréal, Québec. External link
Jélvez, E., Morales, N., Nancel-Penard, P., & Mancilla, D. (2013, July). Combining and comparing strategies for open pit block scheduling [Poster]. 3rd International Seminar on Mine Planning (MinePlanning 2013), Santiago, Chile. Unavailable
Jélvez, E., Mancilla, D., Morales, N., & Nancel-Penard, P. (2013, November). Comparing heuristics for the open pit block scheduling problem [Paper]. 36th APCOM Symposium on Applications of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (APCOM 2013), Porto Alegre, Brazil. Unavailable
Morales, N., Nancel-Penard, P., & Espejo, N. (2022). Development and analysis of a methodology to generate operational open-pit mine ramp designs automatically. Optimization and Engineering, 24(2), 711-741. External link
Montané, S., Nancel-Penard, P., & Morales, N. (2019, December). Optimization and sequencing a semiautomated ramp design in underground mining: a case study [Paper]. 28th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2019), Perth, Australia. External link
Montané, S., Nancel-Penard, P., & Morales, N. (2018, November). Methodology to optimize and sequence the semiautomated ramp design in underground mining [Paper]. 27th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2018), Santiago, Chile. External link
Morales, N., Parra, A., & Nancel-Penard, P. (2017, August). An integer linear programming model for optimizing open pit ramp design [Paper]. 38th International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (APCOM 2017), Denver, Colorado. External link
Morales, N., Jélvez, E., Nancel-Penard, P., Marinho, A., & Guimarães, O. (2015, May). A comparison of conventional and direct block scheduling methods for open pit mine production scheduling [Paper]. International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research In the Mineral Industry (APCOM 2015), Fairbanks, Alaska. External link
Morales, N., & Nancel-Penard, P. (2015, June). MineLink: A framework for optimization in open pit block scheduling [Paper]. CORS/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Nancel-Penard, P., Morales, N., & Cornillier, F. (2022). A recursive time aggregation-disaggregation heuristic for the multidimensional and multiperiod precedence-constrained knapsack problem: An application to the open-pit mine block sequencing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 303(3), 1088-1099. External link
Nancel-Penard, P., & Morales, N. (2021). Optimizing pushback design considering minimum mining width for open pit strategic planning. Engineering Optimization, 54(9), 1494-1508. External link
Nancel-Penard, P., Morales, N., Rojas, V., & Gonzalez, T. (2020). A heuristic approach for scheduling activities with 'OR'-precedence constraints at an underground mine. International Journal of Mining Reclamation and Environment, 34(10), 748-762. External link
Nancel-Penard, P., Parra, A., Morales, N., Diaz, C., & Widzyk-Capehart, E. (2019). Value-optimal design of ramps in open pit mining. Archives of Mining Sciences, 64(2), 399-413. External link
Nancel-Penard, P., Cornillier, F., & Morales, N. (2015, October). A hybrid improvement heuristic for the constrained pit problem in open pit mining [Paper]. 11th Chilean Conference on Operations Research (OPTIMA 2015), Antofagasta, Chile. Unavailable
Yarmuch, J., Nancel-Penard, P., & Morales, N. (2015, July). Factores relevantes para la comparación de modelos de optimización en minas a rajo abierto [Paper]. 4th International Seminar on Mine Planning (MinePlanning 2015), Antofagasta, Chile. Unavailable