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Addi, C., Murschel, F., Liberelle, B., Riahi, N., & De Crescenzo, G. (2017). A highly versatile adaptor protein for the tethering of growth factors to gelatin-based biomaterials. Acta Biomaterialia, 50, 198-206. External link
Murschel, F., Fortier, C., Jolicoeur, M., Hodges, R. S., & De Crescenzo, G. (2017). Two Complementary Approaches for the Controlled Release of Biomolecules Immobilized via Coiled-Coil Interactions: Peptide Core Mutations and Multivalent Presentation. Biomacromolecules, 18(3), 965-975. External link
Lequoy, P., Murschel, F., Liberelle, B., Lerouge, S., & De Crescenzo, G. (2016). Controlled co-immobilization of EGF and VEGF to optimize vascular cell survival. Acta Biomaterialia, 29, 239-247. External link
Murschel, F., Fortier, C., Jolicoeur, M., De Crescenzo, G., & Hodges, R. S. (2016, October). Controlled release of growth factors from biomaterials using coiled-coil interactions [Paper]. 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Québec City, Qc. Unavailable
Murschel, F., Liberelle, B., St-Laurent, G., Jolicoeur, M., Durocher, Y., & De Crescenzo, G. (2013). Coiled-Coil-Mediated Grafting of Bioactive Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor. Acta Biomaterialia, 9(6), 6806-6813. External link