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Nombre de documents: 6


Delafontaine-Martel, P., Zhang, C., Lu, X., Damseh, R., Lesage, F., & Marchand, P. J. (2023). Targeted capillary photothrombosis via multiphoton excitation of Rose Bengal. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 43(10), 1713-1725. Lien externe

Damseh, R., Lu, Y., Lu, X., Zhang, C., Marchand, P. J., Corbin, D., Pouliot, P., Cheriet, F., & Lesage, F. (2021). A simulation study investigating potential diffusion-based MRI signatures of microstrokes. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 14229 (15 pages). Disponible


Lu, Y., Lu, X., Zhang, C., Marchand, P. J., & Lesage, F. (2020). Longitudinal optical coherence tomography imaging of tissue repair and microvasculature regeneration and function after targeted cerebral ischemia. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 25(4), 15 pages. Lien externe


Marchand, P. J., Lu, X., Zhang, C., & Lesage, F. (2020). Validation of red blood cell flux and velocity estimations based on optical coherence tomography intensity fluctuations. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 19584 (10 pages). Lien externe


Stefan, S., Kim, A., Marchand, P. J., Lesage, F., & Lee, J. (2022). Deep Learning and Simulation for the Estimation of Red Blood Cell Flux With Optical Coherence Tomography. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, 835773 (9 pages). Lien externe


Walek, K. W., Stefan, S., Lee, J.-H., Puttigampala, P., Kim, A. H., Park, S. W., Marchand, P. J., Lesage, F., Liu, T., Huang, Y.-W. A., Boas, D. A., Moore, C., & Lee, J. (2023). Near-lifespan longitudinal tracking of brain microvascular morphology, topology, and flow in male mice. Nature Communications, 14(1), 2982 (13 pages). Lien externe

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 04:19:02 2025 EST.