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Abedrabbo, G., Fisette, P., Absil, P.-A., Mahaudens, P., Detrembleur, C., Raison, M., Banse, X., Aubin, C.-É., & Mousny, M. (2012, July). A multibody-based approach to the computation of spine intervertebral motions in scoliotic patients [Paper]. 9th Biennial Meeting of the International Research Society of Spinal Deformities (IRSSD 2012), Poznan, Poland. External link
David, M., Raison, M., Paul, S., Cartiaux, O., Detrembleur, C., & Mahaudens, P. (2023). Locoregional lung ventilation distribution in girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and healthy adolescents. The immediate effect of Schroth 'derotational breathing' exercise in a controlled-trial. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 39(5), 938-953. External link
Mahaudens, P., Raison, M., Banse, X., Mousny, M., & Detrembleur, C. (2014). Effect of long-term orthotic treatment on gait biomechanics in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Spine Journal, 14(8), 1510-1519. External link
Raison, M., Verlé, A., Abedrabbo, G., Detrembleur, C., Mahaudens, P., & Fisette, P. (2018, June). Customized MBD models to contribute answering clinical questions about the spine [Paper]. 5th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, Lisbon, Portugal. External link
Raison, M., Ballaz, L., Detrembleur, C., Mahaudens, P., Lebleu, J., Fisette, P., & Mousny, M. (2012, July). Lombo-Sacral Joint Efforts During Gait: Comparison Between Healthy and Scoliotic Subjects [Paper]. 9th Biennial Meeting of the International Research Society of Spinal Deformities (IRSSD 2012), Poznan, Poland. External link
Raison, M., Aubin, C.-É., Detrembleur, C., Fisette, P., Mahaudens, P., & Samin, J.-C. (2010, September). Quantification of global intervertebral torques during gait: comparison between two subjects with different scoliosis severities [Paper]. 8th Biennial Meeting of the International Research Society of Spinal Deformities (IRSSD 2010), Montréal, Québec. External link
Raison, M., Aubin, C.-É., Detrembleur, C., Fisette, P., Mahaudens, P., & Samin, J.-C. (2010, July). Quantification of intervertebral efforts during gait : comparison between subjects with different scoliosis severities [Paper]. International Research Society of Spinal Deformities Meeting, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Samadi, B., Raison, M., Mahaudens, P., Detrembleur, C., & Achiche, S. (2023). Development of machine learning algorithms to identify the Cobb angle in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis based on lumbosacral joint efforts during gait (case study). Electronic & Electrical Engineering Research Studies. Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Series, 1(1), 30 pages. Unavailable
Samadi, B., Raison, M., Mahaudens, P., Detrembleur, C., & Achiche, S. (2023). A preliminary study in classification of the severity of spine deformation in adolescents with lumbar/thoracolumbar idiopathic scoliosis using machine learning algorithms based on lumbosacral joint efforts during gait. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 26(11), 1341-1352. External link
Yazji, M., Raison, M., Aubin, C.-É., Labelle, H., Detrembleur, C., Mahaudens, P., & Mousny, M. (2015). Are the mediolateral joint forces in the lower limbs different between scoliotic and healthy subjects during gait? Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders, 10(Suppl 2), S3 (4 pages). Available
Yazji, M., Raison, M., Aubin, C.-É., Labelle, H., Detrembleur, C., Mahaudens, P., & Mousny, M. (2014, June). Are the medio-lateral joint forces in the lower limbs different between scoliotic and healthy subjects during gait? [Presentation]. In 10th Meeting of the International Research Society of Spinal Deformities (IRSSD 2014), Sapporo, Japon (1 page). Published in Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders, 10(S1). Available