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Lu, X., Sun, J., Liu, Z., Pan, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, D., Lin, Y., & Qu, X. (2021). Scalable Synthesis of Hollow MoS2 Nanoparticles Modified on Porous Ni for Improved Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 168(5), 9 pages. External link
Pan, Y., Lu, X., Hayat, M. D., Yang, F., Liu, C.C., Li, Y., Li, X.Y., Xu, W., Qu, X.H., & Cao, P. (2020). Effect of Sn addition on the high-temperature oxidation behavior of high Nb-containing TiAl alloys. Corrosion Science, 166, 11 pages. External link
Pan, Y., Xiao, S.Q., Lu, X., Zhou, C., Li, Y., Liu, Z.W., Liu, B.W., Xu, W., Jia, C.C., & Qu, X.H. (2019). Fabrication, mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of Al2O3 reinforced Cu/CNTs composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 782, 1015-1023. External link
Pan, Y., Lu, X., Cao, P., Wei, Z.G., Liu, Z.W., Li, Y., Wang, G.Q., & Qu, X.H. (2019). High capacity porous VB2/Ni anodes for VB2/air batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 771, 565-570. External link
Pan, Y., Lu, X., Volinsky, A. A., Liu, B., Xiao, S., Zhou, C., Li, Y., Chen, M., & Qu, X. (2019). Tribological and mechanical properties of copper matrix composites reinforced with carbon nanotube and alumina nanoparticles. Materials Research Express, 6(11), 11 pages. External link
Lu, X. (2018). Piezoelectric Fibers for Sensing and Energy Generation [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Skorobogatiy, M. A., Qu, H., & Lu, X. (2018). Solid Electrolyte, Flexible Li-ion Fiber Batteries for Compliant Energy Storage and Wearable Applications. Meeting abstracts (Electrochemical Society. CD-ROM), MA2018-02(1), 61-61. External link
Qu, H., Lu, X., & Skorobogatiy, M. A. (2018). All-solid flexible fiber-shaped lithium ion batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165(3), A688-A695. External link
Lu, X., Qu, H., & Skorobogatiy, M. A. (2018). Piezoelectric Micro- and Nanostructured Fibers Fabricated from Thermoplastic Nanocomposites Using a Fiber Drawing Technique: Comparative Study and Potential Applications. ECS Transactions, 86(16), 57-69. External link
Lu, X., Qu, H., & Skorobogatiy, M. A. (2017). Piezoelectric microstructured fibers via drawing of multimaterial preforms. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 2907 (12 pages). Available
Lu, X., Qu, H., & Skorobogatiy, M. A. (2017, April). Smart fibers for textile-based micro-generators and compliant energy storage [Paper]. Materials Research Society Spring Meeting & Exhibit (MRS 2017), Phoenix, Arizona. External link
Xu, W., Liu, W., Schmidt, J. F., Zhao, W., Lu, X., Raab, T., Diederichs, C., Gao, W., Seletskiy, D., & Xiong, Q. (2016). Correlated fluorescence blinking in two-dimensional semiconductor heterostructures. Nature, 541(7635), 62-67. External link