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Vernhes, L., Bekins, C., Lourdel, N., Poirier, D., Lima, R. S., Li, D., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2016). Nanostructured and conventional Cr₂O₃, TiO₂, and TiO₂-Cr₂O₃ thermal-sprayed coatings for metal-seated ball valve applications in hydrometallurgy. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 25(5), 1068-1078. External link
Lourdel, N., Therriault, D., & Lévesque, M. (2009). Identification of constitutive theory parameters using a tensile machine for deposited filaments of microcrystalline ink by the direct-write method. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 19(9), 095017 (7 pages). Available
Lourdel, N. (2009). Développement d'un banc d'essai pour la détermination des paramètres de la loi de comportement d'un filament d'encre viscoélastique [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available