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Boespflug, G., Maire, M., Liberelle, B., De Crescenzo, G., Lerouge, S., & Wertheimer, M. R. (2016, September). Chemical Aspects of Endothelial Cell Adhesion and -Growth for Vascular Grafts [Paper]. 6th international conference on plasma medicine, Bratislava, Slovakia. Unavailable
Bullett, N., Petit, A., Antoniou, J., Lerouge, S., Wertheimer, M. R., & Mwale, F. (2010, July). Micropatterning on Nitrogen and Ammonia Plasma-treated Surfaces as a Means of Distinguishing between the nucleus pulposus and cartilage phenotypes [Paper]. World Forum of Spine Research, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Charbonneau, C., Liberelle, B., Hebert, M.-J., De Crescenzo, G., & Lerouge, S. (2011). Stimulation of cell growth and resistance to apoptosis in vascular smooth muscle cells on a chondroitin sulfate/epidermal growth factor coating. Biomaterials, 32(6), 1591-1600. External link
Lequoy, P., Murschel, F., Liberelle, B., Lerouge, S., & De Crescenzo, G. (2016). Controlled co-immobilization of EGF and VEGF to optimize vascular cell survival. Acta Biomaterialia, 29, 239-247. External link
Lequoy, P., Savoji, H., Saoudi, B., Bertrand-Grenier, A., Wertheimer, M. R., De Crescenzo, G., Soulez, G., & Lerouge, S. (2016). In Vitro and Pilot In Vivo Evaluation of a Bioactive Coating for Stent Grafts Based on Chondroitin Sulfate and Epidermal Growth Factor. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 27(5), 753-760. External link
Lerouge, S., Barrette, J., Ruiz, J. C., Sbai, M., Savoji, H., Saoudi, B., Gauthier, M., & Wertheimer, M. R. (2015). Nitrogen-rich plasma polymer coatings for biomedical applications: stability, mechanical properties and adhesion under dry and wet conditions. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 12(9), 882-895. External link
Lerouge, S., Major, A., Girault-Lauriault, P. L., Raymond, M. A., Laplante, P., Soulez, G., Mwale, F., Wertheimer, M. R., & Hebert, M. J. (2007). Nitrogen-Rich Coatings for Promoting Healing Around Stent-Grafts After Endovascular Aneurysm Repair. Biomaterials, 28(6), 1209-1217. External link
Lerouge, S., Tabrizian, M., Wertheimer, M. R., Marchand, R., & Yahia, L. (2002). Safety of plasma‐based sterilization: Surface modifications of polymeric medical devices induced by Sterrad® and Plazlyte™ processes. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 12(1), 3-13. External link
Lerouge, S., Wertheimer, M. R., & Yahia, L. (2001). Plasma Sterilization: A Review of Parameters, Mechanisms, and Limitations. Plasmas and Polymers, 6(3), 175-188. External link
Lerouge, S., Wertheimer, M. R., Marchand, R., Tabrizian, M., & Yahia, L. (2000). Effect of Gas Composition on Spore Mortality and Etching During Low-Pressure Plasma Sterilization. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 51(1), 128-135. External link
Lerouge, S., Guignot, C., Tabrizian, M., Ferrier, D., Yagoubi, N., & Yahia, L. (2000). Plasma-based sterilization: Effect on surface and bulk properties and hydrolitic stability of reprocessed polyurethane electrophysiology catheters. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 52(4), 774-782. External link
Lerouge, S., Fozza, A. C., Wertheimer, M. R., Marchand, R., & Yahia, L. (2000). Sterilization by low-pressure plasma : The role of vacuum-ultraviolet radiation. Plasmas and Polymers, 5(1), 31-46. External link
Lerouge, S., Guignot, C., Yagoubi, N., Ferrier, D., Tabrizian, M., & Yahia, L. (1999, April). Surface and bulk modification induced by gas plasma sterilization on electrophysiology catheters [Paper]. 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials and 31st International Biomaterials Symposium, Providence, RI, USA. Unavailable
Lerouge, S., Huk, O., Yahia, L., Witvoet, J., & Sedel, L. (1997). Ceramic-ceramic and metal-polyethylene total hip replacements : Comparison of pseudomembranes after loosening. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 79(1), 135-139. External link
Lerouge, S., Yahia, L., Huk, O., & Sedel, L. Wear debris and inflammatory response in tissues around failed alumina ceramic-on-ceramic hip prostheses [Paper]. Bioceramics : 8th International symposium on ceramics in medicine. Unavailable
Nisol, B., Watson, S., Lerouge, S., & Wertheimer, M. R. (2017, July). Energetics in Plasma Polymerization: Behavior of Various Organic Compounds in Dielectric Barrier Discharges [Paper]. 23rd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 2017), Montréal, Canada (4 pages). External link
Nisol, B., Lerouge, S., & Wertheimer, M. R. (2016, September). Energetics of Reactions in a Dielectric Barrier Discharge with Argon Carrier Gas: the Case of Esters [Paper]. 15th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2016), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Unavailable
Nisol, B., Gagnon, H., Lerouge, S., & Wertheimer, M. R. (2016). Energy of Reactions in Atmospheric-pressure Plasma Polymerization with Inert Carrier Gas. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 13(3), 366-374. External link
Ruiz, J. C., St-Georges-Robillard, A., Poulin, S., Lerouge, S., & Wertheimer, M. R. (2011, July). Plasma-and Vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) Photo-polymerisation of Bioactive Organic Coatings: Stability in Polar Solvents and in Air [Paper]. 20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Philadelphia, USA. External link
Savoji, H., Boespflug, G., Maire, M., Ajji, A., Lerouge, S., & Wertheimer, M. R. (2017, July). Plasma Processes for Innovative Vascular Prostheses Combining 3D Electrospun Nanofiber Matrices and Bioactive Coatings [Paper]. 23rd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 2017), Montréal, QC, Canada. External link
Savoji, H., Maire, M., Hadjizadeh, A., Ajji, A., Lerouge, S., & Wertheimer, M. R. (2015, April). 3D Electrospun Scaffolds for Vascular Graft Applications: Fine Tuning of Properties by Plasma-Assisted Etching and Coating [Paper]. 58th Annual Technical Conference, Santa Clara, CA USA. External link
Savoji, H., Berrahmoune, S., Macossay-Torres, J., Lerouge, S., Ajji, A., & Wertheimer, M. R. (2012, August). Structural compositional and cell-adhesion properties of 3D electrospun Biospan® nano-fibrous mats with plasma-polymer coatings [Paper]. 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology : Fundamentals and Applications (ICNFA 2012), Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Wertheimer, M. R., Nisol, B., & Lerouge, S. (2017, September). Plasma-Based Surface Modification Processes for Biomedical Applications [Paper]. 26th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB 2017), Athens, Greece. Unavailable
Wertheimer, M. R., Nisol, B., Watson, S., & Lerouge, S. (2016, September). Precise Energy Measurements in Dielectric Barrier Discharges (DBD) at Atmospheric Pressure: Application to Plasma Polymerization Reactions [Paper]. 15th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2016), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Unavailable
Watson, S., Nisol, B., Lerouge, S., & Wertheimer, M. R. (2015). Energetics of Molecular Excitation, Fragmentation, and Polymerization in a Dielectric Barrier Discharge with Argon Carrier Gas. Langmuir, 31(37), 10125-10129. External link
Wertheimer, M. R., St-Georges-Robillard, A., Ruiz, J. C., Lerouge, S., Mwale, F., Girard-Lauriault, P. L., Elkin, B., Oehr, C., Wirges, W., & Gerhard, R. (2013, September). Cell-surface interactions on organic thin films : chemistry of electrostatics? [Paper]. 4th International Symposium on Surface and Interface of Biomaterials (ISSIB 2013), Roma, Italy. Published in European Cells and Materials, 26(6). Unavailable
Wertheimer, M. R., St-Georges-Robillard, A., Ruiz, J. C., Lerouge, S., Mwale, F., Girard-Lauriault, P. L., Elkin, B., Oehr, C., Wirges, W., & Gerhard, R. (2013). Cell-surface interactions on organic thin films: Chemistry or electrostatics? European cells & materials, 26, 49-65. External link
Wertheimer, M. R., Ruiz, J.-C., St-Georges-Robillard, A., Theresy, C., & Lerouge, S. (2010, September). Fabrication and characterisation of organic thin films for applications in tissue engineering [Paper]. International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Unavailable
Wertheimer, M. R., Ruiz, J.-C., St-Georges-Robillard, A., Theresy, C., & Lerouge, S. (2010, May). Fabrication et caractérisation de couches minces organiques pour applications en génie tissulaire [Paper]. 78e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable