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Lehouillier, T., Nasri, M. I., Soumis, F., Desaulniers, G., & Omer, J. (2017). Solving the Air Conflict Resolution Problem Under Uncertainty Using an Iterative Biobjective Mixed Integer Programming Approach. Transportation Science, 51(4), 1242-1258. Lien externe
Lehouillier, T., Omer, J., Soumis, F., & Desaulniers, G. (2017). Two decomposition algorithms for solving a minimum weight maximum clique model for the air conflict resolution problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 256(3), 696-712. Lien externe
Lehouillier, T., Soumis, F., Omer, J., & Allignol, C. (2016). Measuring the interactions between air traffic control and flow management using a simulation-based framework. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 99, 269-279. Lien externe
Lehouillier, T., Nasri, M. I., Omer, J., Soumis, F., & Desaulniers, G. (2015). Solving the air conflict resolution problem under uncertainty as an iterative bi-objective mixed integer linear program. (Rapport technique n° G-2015-111). Lien externe
Lehouillier, T., Omer, J., Soumis, F., & Desaulniers, G. (mai 2015). A new variant of the minimum-weight maximum-cardinality clique problem to solve conflicts between aircraft [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Conference on Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences (MCO 2015), Metz, France. Lien externe
Lehouillier, T. (2015). Modèles déterministes et stochastiques pour la résolution de conflits entre aéronefs [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible