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Della Valle, G., Buleon, A., Carreau, P., Lavoie, P. A., & Vergnes, B. (1998). Relationship Between Structure and Viscoelastic Behavior of Plasticized Starch. Journal of Rheology, 42(3), 507-525. External link
Lavoie, P. A., Carreau, P., & Ghosh, T. (1997). Rheology of suspensions: the flow behaviour of coating colours. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, 23(11), J543-J547. Unavailable
Della Valle, D., Tanguy, P. A., Carreau, P., & Lavoie, P. A. (1997, October). A new rheometer for the extensional properties of viscoelastic liquids [Paper]. 32e Colloque Annuel du Groupe Français de Rhéologie, Nantes, France. Published in Cahiers de rhéologie, 15(4). Unavailable
Ghosh, T., Lavoie, P. A., & Carreau, P. Rheology of coating colors and their runnability on a cylindrical laboratory coater [Paper]. TAPPI 1996 Coating Conference USA. Published in Tappi journal, 80(11). External link
Della Valle, D., Tanguy, P. A., Carreau, P., Lavoie, P. A., Parent, L., & Bertrand, F. (1997, January). A specific rheometer for extensional properties of coating colours [Paper]. 1997 CPPA Annual Meeting, Montréal, Qc, Canada. Unavailable