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Aubertin, K., Quoc-Trinh, V., Jermyn, M., Baksic, P., Grosset, A.-A., Desroches, J., St-Arnaud, K., Birlea, M., Vladoiu, M. C., Latour, M., Albadine, R., Saad, F., Leblond, F., & Trudel, D. (2018). Mesoscopic characterization of prostate cancer using Raman spectroscopy : potential for diagnostics and therapeutics. BJU International, 122(2), 326-336. External link
Beaulieu, E., Laurence, A., Birlea, M., Sheehy, G., Angulo-Rodriguez, L., Latour, M., Albadine, R., Saad, F., Trudel, D., & Leblond, F. (2020). Wide-field optical spectroscopy system integrating reflectance and spatial frequency domain imaging to measure attenuation-corrected intrinsic tissue fluorescence in radical prostatectomy specimens. Biomedical Optics Express, 11(4), 2052-2072. Available
Grosset, A.-A., Dallaire, F., Nguyen, T., Birlea, M., Wong, J., Daoust, F., Roy, N., Kougioumoutzakis, A., Azzi, F., Aubertin, K., Kadoury, S., Latour, M., Albadine, R., Prendeville, S., Boutros, P., Fraser, M., Bristow, R. G., Van Der Kwast, T., Orain, M., ... Trudel, D. (2020). Data from: Identification of intraductal carcinoma of the prostate on tissue specimens using Raman micro-spectroscopy: A diagnostic accuracy case-control study with multicohort validation [Dataset]. External link
Grosset, A.-A., Dallaire, F., Nguyen, T., Birlea, M., Wong, J., Daoust, F., Roy, N., Kougioumoutzakis, A., Azzi, F., Aubertin, K., Kadoury, S., Latour, M., Albadine, R., Prendeville, S., Boutros, P., Fraser, M., Bristow, R. G., van der Kwast, T., Orain, M., ... Trudel, D. (2020). Identification of intraductal carcinoma of the prostate on tissue specimens using Raman micro-spectroscopy: A diagnostic accuracy case-control study with multicohort validation. Plos Medicine, 17(8), e1003281 (20 pages). External link
Plante, A., Dallaire, F., Grosset, A.-A., Nguyen, T., Birlea, M., Wong, J., Daoust, F., Roy, N., Kougioumoutzakis, A., Azzi, F., Aubertin, K., Kadoury, S., Latour, M., Albadine, R., Prendeville, S., Boutros, P., Fraser, M., Bristow, R. G., Van Der Kwast, T., ... Leblond, F. (2021). Dimensional reduction based on peak fitting of Raman micro spectroscopy data improves detection of prostate cancer in tissue specimens. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 26(11), 14 pages. External link