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Cimmino, M., & Laferrière, A. (2019). Linear model predictive control for the reduction of auxiliary electric heating in residential self-assisted ground-source heat pump systems. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 25(8), 1095-1110. Available
Laferrière, A., Cimmino, M., Picard, D., & Helsen, L. (2020). Development and validation of a full-time-scale semi-analytical model for the short- and long-term simulation of vertical geothermal bore fields. Geothermics, 86. Available
Laferrière, A. (2019). Modélisation et commande prédictive de pompes à chaleur géothermiques résidentielles auto-assistées [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal]. Available
Laferrière, A., & Cimmino, M. (2018, September). Model predictive control applied to residential self-assisted ground source heat pump [Paper]. 2018 IGSHPA Research Track, Stockholm, Sweden. External link