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A word cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently used words in a text or a set of texts. The words appear in different sizes, with the size of each word being proportional to its frequency of occurrence in the text. The more frequently a word is used, the larger it appears in the word cloud. This technique allows for a quick visualization of the most important themes and concepts in a text.
In the context of this page, the word cloud was generated from the publications of the author {}. The words in this cloud come from the titles, abstracts, and keywords of the author's articles and research papers. By analyzing this word cloud, you can get an overview of the most recurring and significant topics and research areas in the author's work.
The word cloud is a useful tool for identifying trends and main themes in a corpus of texts, thus facilitating the understanding and analysis of content in a visual and intuitive way.
Zanoletti, M., Klvana, D., Kirchnerova, J., & Perrier, M. (2010). Modeling of autocyclic reactor for the removal of unburned methane from emissions of natural gas engines. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 49(3), 1063-1070. External link
Larachi, F., Kirchnerova, J., & Ring, Z. (2010). Preface to CAMURE-7/ISMR-6 joint symposia in Montréal, Canada. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 49(3), 933-933. External link
Zanoletti, M., Klvana, D., Kirchnerova, J., Perrier, M., & Guy, C. (2009). Auto-cyclic reactor: design and evaluation for the removal of unburned methane from emissions of natural gas engines. Chemical Engineering Science, 64(5), 945-954. External link
Kirchnerova, J., Larachi, F., Le Van Mao, R., & Zargarian, D. (2006). 18th Canadian Symposium on Catalysis, Montréal, May 16-19, 2004 - Preface. Topics in Catalysis, 37(2-4), 73-73. External link
Klvana, D., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., Kirchnerova, J., & Zanoletti, M. (2005). Performance of auto-cyclic reactor in catalytic combustion of lean fuel mixtures. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 44(25), 9676-9682. External link
Kirchnerova, J., Cohen, M. L. H., Guy, C., & Klvana, D. (2005). Photocatalytic Oxidation of N-Butanol Under Fluorescent Visible Light Lamp Over Commercial TiO₂ (Hombicat UV100 and Degussa P25). Applied Catalysis. A, General, 282(1-2), 321-332. External link
Klvana, D., Kirchnerova, J., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (2004, November). Autocyclic reactor for catalytic methane combustion: limits of ots autothermic operation [Paper]. International gas research conference, Vancouver, Canada. Unavailable
Alifanti, M., Kirchnerova, J., Delmon, B., & Klvana, D. (2004). Methane and Propane Combustion Over Lanthanum Transition-Metal Perovskites: Role of Oxygen Mobility. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 262(2), 167-176. External link
Klvana, D., Kirchnerova, J., Chaouki, J., & Courbariaux, Y. Auto cyclic reactor for catalytic combustion of lean mixtures of solvent vapors or hydrocarbons : limits of its autothermic operation [Paper]. Combustion Canada 2003 Conference. Unavailable
Kirchnerova, J., & Klvana, D. (2003). Performance of La₁₋ₓSrₓAl₁₋y₋y' FeyMgy'O₃-Delta Perovskites in Methane Combustion: Effect of Aluminum and Magnesium Content. Catalysis Today, 83(1-4), 233-238. External link
Klvana, D., Song, K. S., & Kirchnerova, J. (2002). Catalytic performance of La0.66Sr0.34Co0.2Fe0.8O3 perovskite in propane combustion: effect of preparation and SSA. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 19(6), 932-939. External link
Tofan, C., Klvana, D., & Kirchnerova, J. (2002). Decomposition of Nitric Oxide Over Perovskite Oxide Catalysts: Effect of CO₂, H₂O and CH₄. Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 36(4), 311-323. External link
Tofan, C., Klvana, D., & Kirchnerova, J. (2002). Direct Decomposition of Nitric Oxide Over Perovskite-Type Catalysts Part I. Activity When No Oxygen Is Added to the Feed. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 223(1-2), 275-286. External link
Tofan, C., Klvana, D., & Kirchnerova, J. (2002). Direct Decomposition of Nitric Oxide Over Perovskite-Type Catalysts. Part II : Effect of Oxygen in the Feed on the Activity of Three Selected Compositions. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 226(1-2), 225-240. External link
Chapuis, Y., Klvana, D., Guy, C., & Kirchnerova, J. (2002). Photocatalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds using fluorescent visible lamp. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 52(7), 845-854. External link
Song, K. S., Klvana, D., & Kirchnerova, J. (2001). Kinetics of Propane Combustion Over La0.66sr0.34ni0.3co0.7o3 Perovskite. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 213(1), 113-121. External link
Klvana, D., Kirchnerova, J., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (2000). Apparatus and process for catalytic gas involving reactions which are exothermic. (Patent Application no. CA2273761). External link
Kirchnerova, J., & Klvana, D. (2000). Design Criteria for High-Temperature Combustion Catalysts. Catalysis Letters, 67(2-4), 175-181. External link
Kirchnerova, J., Klvana, D., & Chaouki, J. (2000). Preparation and Characterization of Alumina and Chromia Cryogel-Based Catalysts. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 196(2), 191-198. External link
Kirchnerova, J., & Klvana, D. (1999). Process of making fine ceramic powders from aqueous suspensions. (Patent no. US5981445). External link
Joly, J.-P., Klvana, D., & Kirchnerova, J. (1999). Tpd of Oxygen From La-Sr-Ni-Co Perovskite Catalysts Doped With Fe or Mn. Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, 68(2), 249-255. External link
Kirchnerova, J., Boivin, I., & Klvana, D. (1998). Development of catalytic materials for high temperature combustion. (Technical Report n° P2243). Unavailable
Klvana, D., Delval, J., Kirchnerova, J., & Chaouki, J. (1997). Deactivation of fiber-supported (perovskite) La₀.₆₅Sr₀.₃₅Ni₀.₂₉Co₀.₆₉Fe₀.₀₂O₃ Catalyst by (methyl) mercaptan during the combustion of methane or natural gas. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 165(1-2), 171-182. External link
Klvana, D., Kirchnerova, J., Gauthier, P., Delval, J., & Chaouki, J. (1997). Preparation of supported La₀.₆₆Sr₀.₃₄Ni₀.₃Co₀.₇O₃ perovskite catalysts and their performance in methane and odorized natural gas combustion. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 75(3), 509-519. External link
Klvana, D., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., & Kirchnerova, J. (1995, July). Catalytic combustion : New catalysts for new technologies [Paper]. 3rd Clean Air Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. Published in Combustion science and technology, 121(1-6). External link
Kirchnerova, J., & Pelton, A. (1996). Solid electrolyte probes for strontium employing a SrCl₂ -AgCl/Ag reference and thermodynamic evaluation of the SrCl₂ -AgCl system. Solid State Ionics, 93(1-2), 165-170. External link
Kirchnerova, J., & Pelton, A. (1996). Synthesis of strontium beta alumina precursor powders and their use in the fabrication of dense ceramic electrolytes. Solid State Ionics, 93(1-2), 159-164. External link
Chaouki, J., Klvana, D., Guy, C., Koka, M., Kirchnerova, J., Kusohorsky, D., & Gauthier, P. (1995, January). Development of catalytic combustion technologies [Paper]. International Gas Research Conference, Cannes, France. Unavailable
Klvana, D., & Kirchnerova, J. (1995). Development of low cost catalytic radiant pads. (Technical Report n° P1799). Unavailable
Kirchnerova, J., Klvana, D., Hinatsu, J., Xie, S., Forst, V., Oliveira, J., Anantaraman, A., & Goledzinovska, M. (1995, July). New Ni-Co based perovskites as electrocatalysts in alkaline fuel cells [Paper]. New Materials for Fuel Cell Systems, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Klvana, D., Vaillancourt, J., Kirchnerova, J., & Chaouki, J. (1994). Combustion of methane over La₀.₆₆Sr₀.₃₄Ni₀.₃Co₀.₇O₃ and La₀.₄Sr₀.₆Fe₀.₄Co₀.₆O₃ prepared by freeze-drying. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 109(2), 181-193. External link
Klvana, D., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., & Kirchnerova, J. (1994, October). Development of catalytic combustion technologies [Paper]. 44th Canadian chemical engineering conference. Unavailable
Forst, B., Kirchnerova, J., Klvana, D., Oliveira, J., Anantaraman, A., & Gourgouillon, D. (1994, February). Performance of Ni-Co based perovskite as electrocatalyst in alkaline fuel cells [Paper]. 6. Canadian hydrogen workshop, Victoria (Canada). Unavailable
Kirchnerova, J., & Klvana, D. (1994). Preparation and characterization of high surface perovskite electrocatalysts. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 19(6), 501-506. External link
Petric, A., Kirchnerova, J., Bale, C. W., & Pelton, A. (1988). Structure and Stability of βAlumina Type Phases. MRS Proceedings, 135. External link