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Bercegol, A., Christophe, V., Keshavarz, M. K., Vasilevskiy, D., Turenne, S., & Masut, R. A. (2016). Hot extruded polycrystalline Mg₂Si with embedded XS₂ nano-particles (X: Mo, W). Journal of Electronic Materials, 46(5), 2668-2675. External link
Fattah-alhosseini, A., Keshavarz, M. K., Masomi, A., & Marianaji, S. (2015). Semiconducting behavior of pure copper in alkaline solutions. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, 24(4), 405-409. Available
Keshavarz, M. K., Vasilevskiy, D., Masut, R. A., & Turenne, S. (2012, July). P-Type bismuth telluride based composite thermoelectric materials produced by mechanical alloying and hot extrusion [Paper]. ICT/ECT Joint Conference 2012, Aalborg, Denmark. Published in Journal of Electronic Materials, 42(7). External link
Kashi, S., Keshavarz, M. K., Vasilevskiy, D., Masut, R. A., & Turenne, S. (2011, July). Effect of Surface Preparation on Mechanical Properties of Ni Contacts on Polycrystalline (Bi₁₋ₓSbₓ)₂(Te₁₋y Sey)₃ Alloys [Paper]. 30th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT 2011), Traverse City, Michigan, USA. Published in Journal of Electronic Materials, 41(6). External link
Vasilevskiy, D., Keshavarz, M. K., Simard, J.-M., Masut, R. A., Turenne, S., & Snyder, G. J. (2018). Assessing the thermal conductivity of Cu2xSe alloys undergoing a phase transition via the simultaneous measurement of thermoelectric parameters by a Harman-based setup. Journal of Electronic Materials, 47(6), 3314-3319. External link
Vasilevskiy, D., Keshavarz, M. K., Dufourcq, J., Ihou-Mouko, H., Navonne, C., Masut, R. A., & Turenne, S. (2014, September). Bulk Mg₂Si based n-type thermoelectric material produced by gas atomization and hot extrusion [Paper]. 12th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT 2014), Madrid, Espagne. Published in Materials Today: Proceedings, 2(2). External link