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Arisdakessian, S., Abdul Wahab, O., Mourad, A., Otrok, H., & Kara, N. (2020). FoGMatch: An intelligent multi-criteria IoT-fog scheduling approach using game theory. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 28(4), 1779-1789. External link
Abdul Wahab, O., Kara, N., Edstrom, C., & Lemieux, Y. (2019). MAPLE: A machine learning approach for efficient placement and adjustment of virtual network functions. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 142, 37-50. External link
El Mensoum, I., Abdul Wahab, O., Kara, N., & Edstrom, C. (2020). MuSC: A multi-stage service chains embedding approach. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 159, 102593-102593. External link
Kara, N. (2003). Modèles et stratégies du handoff dans les réseaux ATM sans fil : performances et choix [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Nemati, H., El Barachi, M., Kara, N., & Belqasmi, F. (2019, April). A Novel Game Theoretic Approach for Forming Coalitions between IMS Cloud Providers [Paper]. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2019), Marrakesh, Morocco (7 pages). External link
St-Onge, C., Kara, N., Abdul Wahab, O., Edstrom, C., & Lemieux, Y. (2020). Detection of time series patterns and periodicity of cloud computing workloads. Future Generation Computer Systems, 109, 249-261. External link