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Kanki, H., Mori, Y., & Mureithi, N. W. (2005). Study on Dynamics of a curved pipe conveying fluid. Nippon Kikai Gakkai Kansai Shibu Teiji Sokai Koenkai Koen Ronbunshu, 80(6), 55-56. External link
Kanki, H., Mureithi, N. W., & Uda, K. (2004). Reinforcement learning in consideration of symmetry. Nippon Kikai Gakkai Kansai Shibu Teiji Sokai Koenkai Koen Ronbunshu, 79, 11.19-11.20. External link
Kadono, R., Mureithi, N. W., Kanki, H., Fan, Q. Y., Washio, S., & Umemura, S. (2003). Study on stability analysis for flow induced vibration of a coaxial shell labyrinth seal model. Nippon Kikai Gakkai Kansai Shibu Teiji Sokai Koenkai Koen Ronbunshu, 78(11), 55-56. External link
Kanki, H., Mureithi, N. W., Kawanish, M., Nakamura, T., & Goda, S. (2003). Study on vortex in the wake of cylinder excited in cross-flow. Nippon Kikai Gakkai Kansai Shibu Teiji Sokai Koenkai Koen Ronbunshu, 78(11), 39-40. External link