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Catelas, I., Petit, A., Marchand, R., Zukor, D. J., Yahia, L., & Huk, O. L. (1999). Cytotoxicity and Macrophage Cytokine Release Induced by Ceramic and Polyethylene Particles in Vitro. Journal of bone and joint surgery - B - British volumes, 81(3), 516-521. External link
Catelas, I., Petit, A., Zukor, D. J., Marchand, R., Yahia, L., & Huk, O. L. (1999). Induction of macrophage apoptosis by ceramic and polyethylene particles in vitro. Biomaterials, 20(7), 625-630. External link
Catelas, I., Huk, O. L., Petit, A., Zukor, D. J., Marchand, R., & Yahia, L. (1998). Flow Cytometric Analysis of Macrophage Response to Ceramic and Polyethylene Particles: Effects of Size, Concentration, and Composition. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 41(4), 600-607. External link
Catelas, I., Marchand, R., Yahia, L., & Huk, O. L. (1997). Evaluation of macrophage response to ceramic particles by flow cytometry: analysis of phagocytosis and cytotoxicity. Ceramics in Medicine, 10, 579-582. External link
Catelas, I., Huk, O. L., Marchand, R., & Yahia, L. (1996). Cytotoxicity of ceramics compared to polyethylene by flow cytometry. Bioceram., 9, 93-96. Unavailable