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Adhikari, S., Ghiotto, A., Hemour, S., & Wu, K. (2013, June). Tunable non-reciprocal ferrite loaded SIW phase shifter [Paper]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2013), Seattle, Wash., USA (3 pages). External link
Fu, L., Cao, Z. X., Hemour, S., Wu, K., Houssameddine, D., Lu, W., Pistorius, S., Gui, Y. S., & Hu, C.-M. (2012). Microwave reflection imaging using a magnetic tunnel junction based spintronic microwave sensor. Applied Physics Letters, 101(23), 4 pages. External link
Gui, Y. S., Xiao, Y., Bai, L. H., Hemour, S., Zhao, Y. P., Houssameddine, D., Wu, K., Guo, H., & Hu, C. M. (2015). High sensitivity microwave detection using a magnetic tunnel junction in the absence of an external applied magnetic field. Applied Physics Letters, 106(15). External link
Hemour, S., & Wu, K. (2015, March). Reactive nonlinearity for low power rectification [Paper]. IEEE International Wireless Symposium (IWS 2015), Shenzhen, China (4 pages). External link
Hemour, S., Lorenz, C. H. P., & Wu, K. (2015, May). Small-footprint wideband 94GHz rectifier for swarm micro-robotics [Paper]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2015), Phoenix, Arizona (4 pages). External link
Lorenz, C. H. P., Hemour, S., & Wu, K. (2015, August). Modeling and influence of matching network insertion losses on ambient microwave power harvester [Paper]. IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO 2015), Ottawa, ON (3 pages). External link
Lorenz, C. H. P., Hemour, S., Wenjun, L., Yi, X., Gauthier, J., Fay, P., & Wu, K. (2015, May). Overcoming the efficiency limitation of low microwave power harvesting with backward tunnel diodes [Paper]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2015), Phoenix, Arizona (4 pages). External link
Vandelle, E., Ardila, G., Hemour, S., Wu, K., & Vuong, T. P. (2019, June). Compact Dual-Band Rectenna on a New Paper Substrate Based on Air-Filled Technology [Paper]. IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC 2019), London, UK. External link
Vandelle, E., Bui, D. H. N., Ardila, G., Hemour, S., Wu, K., & Vuong, T. P. (2018, October). Folded Patch Antenna on Paper for RF Energy Harvesting and Sensing Applications [Paper]. International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC 2018), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. External link
Vandelle, E., Vuong, T. P., Ardila, G., Hemour, S., & Wu, K. (2018, June). Rectenna with Enhanced Aperture Efficiency and a Bi-directional Pattern for Ambient RF Energy Harvesting [Paper]. IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC 2018), Montréal, Qc, Canada (4 pages). External link
Vandelle, E., Doan, P. L., Bui, D. H. N., Vuong, T. P., Ardila, G., Wu, K., & Hemour, S. (2017, May). High gain isotropic rectenna [Paper]. IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC 2017), Taipei, Taiwan (4 pages). External link
Zhao, Y., Hemour, S., Liu, T., & Wu, K. (2018). Negative resistance-based electronic impedance tuner. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 28(2), 144-146. External link
Zhao, Y., Hemour, S., Houssameddine, D., Bai, L. H., Gui, Y. S., Hu, C. M., & Wu, K. (2015). Interfacial properties and their impact on magnetic tunnel junction at microwave frequencies. Applied Physics Letters, 106(18), 4 pages. External link
Zhang, Z. H., Bai, L., Hu, C. M., Hemour, S., Wu, K., Fan, X. L., Xue, D. S., & Houssameddine, D. (2015). The tunneling magnetoresistance current dependence on cross sectional area, angle and temperature. AIP Advances, 5(3). Available
Zhang, Z. H., Gui, Y. S., Fu, L., Fan, X. L., Cao, J. W., Xue, D. S., Freitas, P. P., Houssameddine, D., Hemour, S., Wu, K., & Hu, C.-M. (2012). Seebeck rectification enabled by intrinsic thermoelectrical coupling in magnetic tunneling junctions. Physical Review Letters, 109(3), 5-5. External link