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Beji, S., Hamadou, S., Mullins, J., & Gherbi, A. (2019). Iterative integration of TTEthernet network flows. International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems, 9(3), 167-92. External link
Beji, S., Hamadou, S., Gherbi, A., & Mullins, J. (2014, October). SMT-based cost optimization approach for the integration of avionic functions in IMA and TTEthernet architectures [Paper]. 18th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulations and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2014), Toulouse, France. External link
Hamadou, S., Mullins, J., & Gherbi, A. (2016). A real-time concurrent constraint calculus for analyzing avionic systems embedded in the IMA connected through TTethernet. In Theoretical Information Reuse and Integration (Vol. 446, pp. 85-111). External link
Hamadou, S., & Mullins, J. (2010). Calibrating the power of schedulers for probabilistic polynomial-time calculus. Journal of Computer Security, 18(2), 265-316. External link
Hamadou, S. (2008). Analyse formelle des protocoles cryptographiques et flux d'information admissible [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Robati, T., El Kouhen, A., Gherbi, A., Hamadou, S., & Mullins, J. (2014, September). An extension for AADL to model mixed-criticality avionic systems deployed on IMA architectures with TTEthernet [Paper]. 1st International Workshop on Architecture Centric Virtual Integration (ACVI 2014), Valencia, Spain. External link