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Bhushan, B., Halasz, A., & Hawari, J. (2006). Effect of iron(III), humic acids and anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate on biodegradation of cyclic nitramines by Clostridium sp. EDB2. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 100(3), 555-563. External link
Beaudet, S., Hawari, J., & Halasz, A. (2000). Identification des produits de biodégradation du 2,4,6-trinitrotoluène (TNT) par CE/MS. Vecteur Environnement, 33(1), 58-61. Unavailable
Cochu, A., Fourmier, D., Halasz, A., & Hawari, J. (2008). Maple sap as a rich medium to grow probiotic lactobacilli and to produce lactic acid. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 47(6), 500-507. External link
Halasz, A., Hawari, J., & Perreault, N. N. (2018). New insights into the photochemical degradation of the insensitive munition formulation IMX-101 in water. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(2), 589-596. External link
Hawari, J., Monteil-Rivera, F., Perreault, N. N., Halasz, A., Paquet, L., Radovic-Hrapovic, Z., Deschamps, S., Thiboutot, S., & Ampleman, G. (2015). Environmental fate of 2,4-dinitroanisole (DNAN) and its reduced products. Chemosphere, 119, 16-23. External link
Halasz, A., Groom, C., Zhou, E., Paquet, L., Beaulieu, C., Deschamps, S., Corriveau, A., Thiboutot, S., Ampleman, G., Dubois, C., & Hawari, J. (2002). Detection of explosives and their degradation products in soil environments. Journal of Chromatography A, 963(1-2), 411-418. External link
Hawari, J., Halasz, A., Groom, C., Deschamps, S., Paquet, L., Beaulieu, C., & Corriveau, A. (2002). Photodegradation of RDX in Aqueous Solution: A Mechanistic Probe for Biodegradation with Rhodococcus sp. Environmental Science & Technology, 36(23), 5117-5123. External link
Hawari, J., Beaudet, S., Halasz, A., Thiboutot, S., & Ampleman, G. (2000). Microbial degradation of explosives: biotransformation versus mineralization. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 54(5), 605-618. External link
Hawari, J., Halasz, A., Spencer, B., Shen, C. F., Guiot, S., Greer, C. W., Sunahara, G., Ampleman, G., & Thiboutot, S. (1998, May). Bioremediation of TNT under anaerobic conditions [Paper]. 23rd Annual TTCP Meeting on Environmental Aspects of Energetic Materials, Québec, Québec (10 pages). Unavailable
Hawari, J., Halasz, A., Paquet, L., Zhou, E., Spencer, B., Ampleman, G., & Thiboutot, S. (1998). Characterization of Metabolites in the Biotransformation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene with Anaerobic Sludge: Role of Triaminotoluene. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 64(6), 2200-2206. External link
Hawari, J., Halasz, A., Shen, C. F., Guiot, S., & Greer, C. W. (1997, April). Fate of TNT During Soil Bioremediation: Bioavailability enhancement [Paper]. 4th International In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana (1 page). Unavailable
Hawari, J., Halasz, A., Beiruty, A., Sas, I., & Tra, H. V. (1997). Practicality of Supercritical Fluid Extraction/Ir for the Measurement of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Aged Soil: A Comparative Study Between Two Commercial Extractors. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 66(4), 299-311. External link
Hawari, J., Paquet, L., Zhou, E., Halasz, A., & Zilber, B. (1996). Enhanced Recovery of the Explosive Hexahydro-1,3,5-Trinitro-1,3,5-Triazine (RDX) From Soil: cyclodextrin versus anionic surfactants. Chemosphere, 32(10), 1929-1936. External link
Monteil-Rivera, F., Halasz, A., Dodard, S., Manno, D., Paquet, L., Sarrazin, M., Thiboutot, S., Ampleman, G., Hawari, J., Sunahara, G., & Perreault, N. (2021, April). Environmental fate and impact of insensitive energetic materials [Paper]. AVT-335 Research Specialists' Meeting on Range Design and Management for Sustainable live-fire training ranges. Unavailable
Monteil-Rivera, F., Deschamps, S., Halasz, A., Paquet, L., & Hawari, J. (2008). Environmental Fate of the New Formulation, GIM. (Technical Report n° NRC #49931). Unavailable
Olivier, L., Shooner, F., Morris, N., Lush, D., Groom, C., Halasz, A., Paquet, L., Hawari, J., Dubois, C., & Thiboutot, S. (2001, June). Evaluation of Phytoremediation for HMX: Greenhouse Trials [Paper]. 3rd Phytoremediation/Biotechnology Solutions for Spills (PHYTO 2001), Edmonton, Canada. Unavailable
Taylor, S., Halasz, A., Dontsova, K., Hawari, J., Thiboutot, S., & Ampleman, G. (2016). Munitions Related Contamination: Source Characterization, Fate, and Transport. (Technical Report n° STO-TR-AVT-197). External link
Yezza, A., Fournier, D., Halasz, A., & Hawari, J. (2006). Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates from methanol by a new methylotrophic bacterium Methylobacterium sp. GW2. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 73(1), 211-218. External link
Zhao, J. S., Paquet, L., Halasz, A., & Hawari, J. (2003). Metabolism of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine through initial reduction to hexahydro-1-nitroso-3,5-dinitro-1,3,5-triazine followed by denitration in Clostridium bifermentans HAW-1. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 63(2), 187-193. External link