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Barachati, F., Fieramosca, A., Hafezian, S., Gu, J., Chakraborty, B., Ballarini, D., Martinu, L., Menon, V., Sanvitto, D., & Kéna-Cohen, S. (2018, May). Interacting polariton fluids in a monolayer of tungsten disulfide [Paper]. CLEO: Applications and Technology (CLEO_AT 2018), San Jose, CA. External link
Barachati, F., Fieramosca, A., Hafezian, S., Gu, J., Chakraborty, B., Ballarini, D., Martinu, L., Menon, V., Sanvitto, D., & Kéna-Cohen, S. (2018). Interacting polariton fluids in a monolayer of tungsten disulfide. Nature Nanotechnology, 13(10), 906-910. External link
Brodeur, J., Arguel, R., Hafezian, S., Barachati, F., & Kéna-Cohen, S. (2018). Nearly 40% outcoupling efficiency in OLEDs with all-metal electrodes. Applied Physics Letters, 113(4), 5 pages. External link
Hafezian, S. (2019). Growth Control and Study of Ultrathin Silver Films for Energy-Saving Coatings [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal]. Available
Hafezian, S., Beaini, R., Martinu, L., & Kéna-Cohen, S. (2019). Degradation mechanism of protected ultrathin silver films and the effect of the seed layer. Applied Surface Science, 484, 335-340. External link
Hafezian, S., Baloukas, B., & Martinu, L. (2014). Percolation threshold determination of sputtered silver films using Stokes parameters and in situ conductance measurements. Applied Optics, 53(24), 5367-5374. External link
Sridharan, A., Noe, N. K., Hwang, H., Hafezian, S., Rand, B. P., & Kéna-Cohen, S. (2019). Time-resolved imaging of carrier transport in halide perovskite thin films and evidence for nondiffusive transport. Physical Review Materials, 3(12), 125403 (10 pages). External link
Wang, L., Moghe, D., Hafezian, S., Chen, P., Young, M., Elinski, M., Martinu, L., Kéna-Cohen, S., & Lunt, R. R. (2016). Alkali metal halide salts as interface additives to fabricate hysteresis-free hybrid perovskite-based photovoltaic devices. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8(35), 23086-23094. External link