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Hoseinizadeh, M., Davari, N., Gouda, A., Hyat, H., Sain, M., Boffito, D. C., & Santato, C. (2024). Ultrasound-Assisted Deposition of Sepia Melanin and Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes on Carbon Cloth: Toward Sustainable Surface Engineering for Flexible Supercapacitors. Advanced Sustainable Systems, 202400302 (11 pages). External link
Gouda, A., Masson, A., Hoseinizadeh, M., Soavi, F., & Santato, C. (2022). Biosourced quinones for high-performance environmentally benign electrochemical capacitors via interface engineering. Communications Chemistry, 5(1), 98 (10 pages). Available
Niyonkuru, D., Carriere, A., Ambrose, R., Gouda, A., Reali, M., Camus, A., Pezzella, A., Hill, I., & Santato, C. (2022). Correction to: Locating the bandgap edges of eumelanin thinfilms for applications in organic electronics (vol 97, pg 837, 2022). Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 97(7), 1910-1910. External link
Niyonkuru, D., Carriere, A., Ambrose, R., Gouda, A., Reali, M., Camus, A., Pezzella, A., Hill, I., & Santato, C. (2022). Locating the bandgap edges of eumelanin thin films for applications in organic green electronic. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 97(4), 837-843. External link
Gouda, A. (2021). Biosourced Quinone-Based Molecular Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal]. Available
Gouda, A., Manioudakis, J., Naccache, R., Soavi, F., & Santato, C. (2021). 3D Network of Sepia Melanin and N- and, S-Doped Graphitic Carbon Quantum Dots for Sustainable Electrochemical Capacitors. Advanced Sustainable Systems, 5(10), 8 pages. External link
Gouda, A., Liu, T., Byers, J. C., Augustynski, J., & Santato, C. (2021). Best practices in photoelectrochemistry. Journal of Power Sources, 482, 228958 (3 pages). External link
Gouda, A., Masson, A., & Santato, C. (2021). Bio-Inspired Quinone Macromolecules Grafted on O, N, S, P Codoped Carbon Paper for High Energy Density Electrochemical. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2021-02(B01), 526-526. External link
Gouda, A., Reali, M., Masson, A., Zvezdin, A., Byway, N., Rho, D., & Santato, C. (2021). Biodegradability and Compostability Aspects of Organic Electronic Materials and Devices. In Holuszko, M. E., Kumar, A., & Espinosa, D. C.R. (eds.), Electronic Waste : Recycling and Reprocessing for a Sustainable Future (pp. 255-297). External link
Gouda, A., Reali, M., & Santato, C. (2020). Bio-Sourced, Potentially Biodegradable Materials for Fast Response Moisture Sensors. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2020-01(IMCS 11 :), 2425-2425. External link
Reali, M., Gouda, A., Bellemare, J., Ménard, D., Nunzi, J.-M., Soavi, F., & Santato, C. (2020). Electronic Transport in the Biopigment Sepia Melanin. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 3(8), 5244-5252. External link
Gouda, A., Soavi, F., & Santato, C. (2020). Eumelanin electrodes in buffered aqueous media at different pH values. Electrochimica Acta, 347, 6 pages. External link
Xu, R., Gouda, A., Caso, M. F., Soavi, F., & Santato, C. (2020). Light-enhanced Electrochemical Energy Storage of Synthetic Melanin on Conductive Glass Substrates. MRS Advances, 5(27-28), 1441-1448. External link
Gouda, A., Santato, C., Bobbara, S., & Reali, M. (2019). Light-assisted melanin-based electrochemical energy storage: physicochemical aspects. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53(4), 043003 (15 pages). External link
Xu, R., Gouda, A., Caso, M. F., Soavi, F., & Santato, C. (2019). Melanin: A Greener Route To Enhance Energy Storage under Solar Light. ACS Omega, 4(7), 12244-12251. External link