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Albrecht, A. R., Wang, Y., Ghasemkhani, M., Seletskiy, D., Cederberg, J. G., & Sheik-Bahae, M. (2013). Exploring ultrafast negative Kerr effect for mode-locking vertical external-cavity surface-emitting lasers. Optics Express, 21(23), 28801-28808. External link
Albrecht, A. R., Ghasemkhani, M., Cederberg, J. G., Seletskiy, D., Melgaard, S. D., & Sheik-Bahae, M. (2013, February). Progress towards cryogenic temperatures in intra-cavity optical refrigeration using a VECSEL [Paper]. SPIE OPTO 2013, San Francisco, California (6 pages). External link
Epstein, R. I., Sheik-Bahae, M., Melgaard, S., Seletskiy, D., Albrecht, A., & Ghasemkhani, M. (2013, July). Optical cryocoolers [Paper]. IEEE 14th International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC 2013), Cambridge, MA. External link
Ghasemkhani, M., Albrecht, A. R., Lee, E., Seletskiy, D., & Sheik-Bahae, M. (2017, May). Adaptive perfect coherent absorber for photoacoustic spectroscopy [Paper]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2017), San Jose, California. External link
Ghasemkhani, M., Albrecht, A. R., Melgaard, S. D., Seletskiy, D., Cedeberg, J. G., & Sheik-Bahae, M. (2015, February). Intracavity-enhanced optical refrigeration of Yb:YLF crystal to cryogenic temperatures [Paper]. SPIE OPTO 2015, San Francisco, California (8 pages). External link
Ghasemkhani, M., Albrecht, A. R., Melgaard, S. D., Seletskiy, D., Cederberg, J. G., & Sheik-Bahae, M. (2014). Intra-cavity cryogenic optical refrigeration using high power vertical external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs). Optics Express, 22(13), 16232-16240. External link
Ghasemkhani, M., Albrecht, A. R., Melgaard, S. D., Seletskiy, D., Cedeberg, J. G., & Sheik-Bahae, M. (2014, February). Intracavity optical refrigeration to 131K using high-power vertical external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs) [Paper]. SPIE OPTO 2014, San Francisco, California (7 pages). External link
Ghasemkhani, M., Albrecht, A., Melgaard, S., Seletskiy, D., Cederberg, J. G., & Sheik-Bahae, M. (2013, June). Cryogenic intracavity laser cooling using high power vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers (VECSELs) [Paper]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2013), San Jose, CA. External link
Sheik-Bahae, M., Melgaard, S., Seletskiy, D., Albrecht, A., Ghasemkhani, M., & Epstein, R. I. (2013, September). Laser cooling in solids: Demonstration of 115K all-solid-state cryocooler [Paper]. IEEE Photonics Conference, Bellevue, WA. External link