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Font, L., Gagnon, M., Leduc, N., & Richard, P. (2022). Intelligence in QED-Tutrix: Balancing the Interactions Between the Natural Intelligence of the User and the Artificial Intelligence of the Tutor Software. In Richard, P. R., Pilar Vélez, M., & Van Vaerenbergh, S. (eds.), Mathematics Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence : How Artificial Intelligence can Serve Mathematical Human Learning (Vol. 17, pp. 45-76). External link
Font, L. (2021). Génération automatique de preuves pour un logiciel tuteur en géométrie [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal]. Available
Font, L., Piche, D., Zouaq, A., & Gagnon, M. (2021, December). Integrating Heterogeneous Data About Quebec Literature into an IFLA LRM Knowledge Base [Paper]. 23rd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2021). External link
Font, L., Cyr, S., Richard, P. R., & Gagnon, M. (2019, August). Automating the generation of high school geometry proofs using Prolog in an educational context [Paper]. 8th International Workshop on Theorem Proving Components for Educational Software, (ThEdu 2019), Natal, Brazil (16 pages). External link
Font, L., Richard, P. R., & Gagnon, M. (2017, August). Improving QED-Tutrix by automating the generation of proofs [Paper]. 6th International Workshop on Theorem Proving Components for Educational Software (ThEdu 2017), Gothenburg, Sweden. Published in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 267. External link
Font, L., Zouaq, A., & Gagnon, M. (2017). Assessing and Improving Domain Knowledge Representation in DBpedia. Open Journal of Semantic Web, 4(1). Available
Font, L. (2016). Évaluation et amélioration de la qualité de DBpedia pour la représentation de la connaissance du domaine [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Font, L., Zouaq, A., & Gagnon, M. (2015, November). Assessing the quality of domain concepts descriptions in DBpedia [Paper]. 11th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS 2015), Bangkok, Thailand. External link
Gagnon, M., Font, L., & Zouaq, A. (2024). An Exploration of IFLA LRM for Literature Data Representation. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage. External link
Haidar-Ahmad, L., Font, L., Zouaq, A., & Gagnon, M. (2016, May). Entity typing and linking using SPARQL patterns and DBpedia [Paper]. 3rd Semantic Web Challenges Conference (ESWC 2016), Heraklion, Crete, Greece. External link
Piche, D., Font, L., Zouaq, A., & Gagnon, M. (2023). Comparing Heuristic Rules and Masked Language Models for Entity Alignment in the Literature Domain. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 16(3), 18 pages. External link
Piché, D., Zouaq, A., Gagnon, M., & Font, L. (2021, September). Masked language model entity matching for cultural heritage data [Paper]. International Joint Workshop on Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage (SWODCH 2021) (12 pages). External link