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Brodeur, J., Hu, L., Malinge, A., Eizner, E., Skene, W. G., & Kéna-Cohen, S. (2019). Highly Efficient and Spectrally Narrow Near-Infrared Fluorescent OLEDs Using a TADF-Sensitized Cyanine Dye. Advanced Optical Materials, 7(22), 7 pages. External link
Eizner, E., Martinez-Martinez, L. A., Yuen-Zhou, J., & Kéna-Cohen, S. (2019). Inverting singlet and triplet excited states using strong light-matter coupling. Science Advances, 5(12), eaax4482 (8 pages). External link
Eizner, E., Brodeur, J., Barachati, F., Sridharan, A., & Kéna-Cohen, S. (2018). Organic Photodiodes with an Extended Responsivity Using Ultrastrong Light-Matter Coupling. ACS Photonics, 5(7), 2921-2927. External link
Martinez-Martinez, L. A., Eizner, E., Kéna-Cohen, S., & Yuen-Zhou, J. (2019). Triplet harvesting in the polaritonic regime: A variational polaron approach. Journal of Chemical Physics, 151(5), 11 pages. External link
Wang, J., Rousseau, A., Eizner, E., Phaneuf-L'Heureux, A.-L., Schue, L., Francoeur, S., & Kéna-Cohen, S. (2019). Spectral Responsivity and Photoconductive Gain in Thin Film Black Phosphorus Photodetectors. ACS Photonics, 6(12), 3092-3099. External link