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Vu, N. P., Duong, X. T., Ly, V. A., Nguyen, D. C., Tran, M. D., Phan, Q. T., Balazinski, M., Son, L. T., Zeb, G., & Le, X. T. (2018). Electroless nickel plating onto Plexiglas (R) through simple covalent grafting of vinylpyridine seed layer. Materials & Design, 144, 151-158. External link
Gul, Z., Duong, X. T., Ngoc Pi, V., Quang The, P., Duc Tuong, N., Viet Anh, L., Salimy, S., & Xuan Tuan, L. (2017). Chemical metallization of KMPR photoresist polymer in aqueous solutions. Applied Surface Science, 407, 518-525. External link
Duong, X. T. (2015). Chaos Theory Applied to Analyze Tool Wear During Machining of Titanium Metal Matrix Composite (TiMMCs) [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available