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Terek, P., Kovačević, L., Miletić, A., Kovač, J., Škorić, B., Drnovšek, A., & Panjan, P. (2021, May). Corrosion phenomena of plasma nitrided steel, duplex CrN and TiAlN coatings subjected to molten Al-alloy [Abstract]. 1st Corrosion and Materials Degradation Web Conference (CMDWC 2021) (1 page). External link
Terek, P., Kovačević, L., Miletic, A., Škorić, B., Kovač, J., & Drnovšek, A. (2020). Metallurgical Soldering of Duplex CrN Coating in Contact with Aluminum Alloy. Coatings, 10(3), 303 (17 pages). External link