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Adrien Rimélé, M., Dimitrakopoulos, R., & Gamache, M. (2018). A stochastic optimization method with in-pit waste and tailings disposal for open pit life-of-mine production planning. Resources, 57, 112-121. Available
Brika, Z., Gamache, M., & Dimitrakopoulos, R. (2023). Optimising the mine production scheduling accounting for stockpiling and investment decisions under geological uncertainty. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 37(5), 355-374. External link
Dimitrakopoulos, R. (1989). Conditional simulation of IRF-k in the petroleum industry and the expert system perspective [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal]. Available
Rimele, A., Dimitrakopoulos, R., & Gamache, M. (2020). A dynamic stochastic programming approach for open-pit mine planning with geological and commodity price uncertainty. Resources Policy, 65, 8 pages. External link
Yao, L., Dimitrakopoulos, R., & Gamache, M. (2021). Learning high-order spatial statistics at multiple scales: A kernel-based stochastic simulation algorithm and its implementation. Computers & Geosciences, 149, 11 pages. External link
Yao, L., Dimitrakopoulos, R., & Gamache, M. (2021). Training Image Free High-Order Stochastic Simulation Based on Aggregated Kernel Statistics. Mathematical Geosciences, 53(7), 1469-1489. External link
Yao, L., Dimitrakopoulos, R., & Gamache, M. (2019). High-Order Sequential Simulation via Statistical Learning in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space. Mathematical Geosciences, 52(5), 693-723. External link
Yao, L., Dimitrakopoulos, R., & Gamache, M. (2018). A new computational model of high-order stochastic simulation based on spatial Legendre moments. Mathematical Geosciences, 50(8), 929-960. Available