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Couture-Peck, D., Garon, A., & Delfour, M. C. (2020). A new k-TMI/ALE fluid-structure formulation to study the low mass ratio dynamics of an elliptical cylinder. Journal of Computational Physics, 422, 32 pages. External link
Delfour, M. C., Garon, A., & Lamontagne, S. (2019). Three-dimensional drug release in the stent-polymer-wall-lumen of a blood vessel. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 79(5), 1850-1871. External link
Delfour, M. C., & Garon, A. (2011, September). Quadratic ODE and PDE models of drug release kinetics from biodegradable polymers [Paper]. 25th IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, CSMO 2011, Berlin, Germany. External link
Garon, A., & Delfour, M. C. (2022). Transfinite Interpolations and Eulerian/Lagrangian Dynamics. External link
Garon, A., & Delfour, M. C. (2020). Mesh adaptation based on transfinite mean value interpolation. Journal of Computational Physics, 407, 109248 (31 pages). External link
Garon, A., & Delfour, M. C. (2014). Three-dimensional quadratic model of paclitaxel release from biodegradable polymer films. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 74(5), 1354-1374. External link
Thiriet, M., Delfour, M. C., & Garon, A. (2014). Vascular Stenosis. In Lanzer, P. (ed.), PanVascular Medicine (pp. 1-103). External link