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Triwinarko, A., Mlika, Z., Cherkaoui, S., & Dayoub, I. (2022, October). Deep Reinforcement Learning to Improve Vehicle-to-Vulnerable Road User Communications in C-V2X [Paper]. 8th International Symposium on ubiquitous Networking (UNeT 2022), Montreal, Qc, Canada. External link
Allouis, A., Hamza, A. A., Dayoub, I., & Cherkaoui, S. (2023). Maximum Sum Rate of MCM-NOMA in Future Vehicular Sensor Networks. IEEE Sensors Letters, 7(7), 1-4. External link
Triwinarko, A., Cherkaoui, S., & Dayoub, I. (2022, November). Performance of PHY/MAC Cross-Layer Design for Next-Generation V2X Applications [Paper]. IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence Systems (IoTaIS 2022), Bali, Indonesia. External link
Triwinarko, A., Cherkaoui, S., & Dayoub, I. (2022, May). Performance of radio access technologies for next generation V2VRU networks [Paper]. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2022), Seoul, Republic of Korea (6 pages). External link
Alalewi, A., Dayoub, I., & Cherkaoui, S. (2021). On 5G-V2X Use Cases and Enabling Technologies: A Comprehensive Survey. IEEE Access, 9, 107710-107737. External link
Triwinarko, A., Dayoub, I., & Cherkaoui, S. (2021). PHY layer enhancements for next generation V2X communication. Vehicular Communications, 32, 9 pages. External link
Ngangue Ndih, E. D., Cherkaoui, S., & Dayoub, I. (2015). Analytic Modeling of the Coexistence of IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11 in Saturation Conditions. IEEE Communications Letters, 19(11), 1981-1984. External link