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Documents dont l'auteur est "Dadouche, Azzedine"

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Nombre de documents: 27

Article de revue

Rezaei, A., & Dadouche, A. (2017). Multi-sensor-based framework for gear condition monitoring - Part II. International Journal of Condition Monitoring, 7(1), 16-24. Lien externe

Rezaei, A., Dadouche, A., Anderson, R., & Lipsett, M. (2016). Multi-sensor-based framework for gear condition monitoring – Part I. International Journal of Condition Monitoring, 6(1), 17-25. Lien externe

Dadouche, A., & Conlon, M. J. (2016). Operational performance of textured journal bearings lubricated with a contaminated fluid. Tribology International, 93, 377-389. Lien externe

Irissou, E., Dadouche, A., & Lima, R. S. (2014). Tribological Characterization of Plasma-Sprayed CoNiCrAlY-BN Abradable Coatings. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 23(1), 252-261. Lien externe

Rezaei, A., & Dadouche, A. (2012). Development of a turbojet engine gearbox test rig for prognostics and health management. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 33, 299-311. Lien externe

Rezaei, A., Dadouche, A., Wickramasinghe, V., & Dmochowski, W. (2011). A Comparison Study Between Acoustic Sensors for Bearing Fault Detection Under Different Speed and Load Using a Variety of Signal Processing Techniques. Tribology Transactions, 54(2), 179-186. Lien externe

Thomson, J., Zavadil, R., Sahoo, M., Dadouche, A., Dmochowski, W., & Conlon, M. (2010). Development of a Lead-Free Bearing Material for Aerospace Applications. International Journal of Metalcasting, 4(1), 19-30. Lien externe

Dmochowski, W., Dadouche, A., & Fillon, M. (2008). Numerical Study of the Sensitivity of Tilting-Pad Journal Bearing Performance Characteristics to Manufacturing Tolerances: Dynamic Analysis. Tribology Transactions, 51(5), 573-580. Lien externe

Dadouche, A., Rezaei, A., Wickramasinghe, V., Dmochowski, W., Bird, J. W., & Nitzsche, F. (2008). Sensitivity of Air-Coupled Ultrasound and Eddy Current Sensors to Bearing Fault Detection. Tribology Transactions, 51(3), 310-323. Lien externe

Dadouche, A., Fillon, M., & Dmochowski, W. (2006). Performance of a Hydrodynamic Fixed Geometry Thrust Bearing: Comparison between Experimental Data and Numerical Results. Tribology Transactions, 49(3), 419-426. Lien externe

Dadouche, A., Fillon, M., & Bligoud, J. C. (2000). Experiments on thermal effects in a hydrodynamic thrust bearing. Tribology International, 33(3), 167-174. Lien externe

Rapport technique

Dadouche, A., Galeote, B., Breithaupt, T., Greer, A., Backman, D., Li, G., Vidal, C., & Gould, R. (2020). Drone impact assessment on aircraft structure: flat plate testing and analysis. (Rapport technique n° CR-GTL-2020-0053). Lien externe

Dadouche, A., Greer, A., Galeote, B., Breithaupt, T., Vidal, C., & Gould, R. (2020). Drone impact assessment on aircraft structure: windshield and leading edge testing and analysis. (Rapport technique n° CR-GTL-2020-0054). Lien externe

Communication écrite

Conlon, M. J., Dadouche, A., & Dmochowski, W. M. (juin 2011). Comparison of the Steady-State and Dynamic Performance of Two Fixed-Geometry Journal Bearings [Communication écrite]. ASME 2011 Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition (TURBO EXPO 2011), Vancouver, BC. Lien externe

Dadouche, A., Conlon, M. J., Dmochowski, W., Koszela, W., Galda, L., & Pawlus, P. (juin 2011). Effect of Surface Texturing on the Steady-State Properties and Dynamic Coefficients of a Plain Journal Bearing: Experimental Study [Communication écrite]. ASME 2011 Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition (TURBO EXPO 2011), Vancouver, BC. Lien externe

Conlon, M. J., Dadouche, A., Dmochowski, W. M., Payette, R., Bédard, J.-P., & Liko, B. (juin 2009). Experimental Evaluation of Foil Bearing Performance: Steady-State and Dynamic Results [Communication écrite]. ASME Turbo Expo 2009: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (TURBO EXPO 2009), Orlando, Florida. Lien externe

Dadouche, A., Conlon, M. J., Dmochowski, W., Liko, B., & Bedard, J.-P. (juin 2008). Experimental Evaluation of Abradable Seal Performance at High Temperature [Communication écrite]. ASME Turbo Expo 2008: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (TURBO EXPO 2008), Berlin, Germany. Lien externe

Domchowski, W., Dadouche, A., & Fillon, M. (mai 2007). Sensitivity of Tilting-Pad Journal Bearing Performance to Manufacturing Tolerances: Dynamic Properties [Communication écrite]. 62nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Non disponible

Dadouche, A., & Dmochowski, W. (octobre 2006). On the Effect of Oil Contamination on the Performance of Plain Journal Bearings [Communication écrite]. 5th EDF/LMS Poitiers Workshop, Poitiers, France. Non disponible


Dadouche, A., & Yang, Q. (septembre 2020). Influence of Coating Technologies on Frictional Properties of Foil Bearings During Start/Stop Conditions [Résumé]. ASME 2020 Turbo Expo. Lien externe

Chapitre de livre

Dmochowski, W. M., Conlon, M. J., Dadouche, A., & Fillon, M. (2013). Dynamic Characteristics of Fluid Film Bearings. Dans Wang, Q. J., & Chung, Y.-W. (édit.), Encyclopedia of Tribology (p. 801-808). Lien externe

Dmochowski, W. M., Dadouche, A., & Fillon, M. (2013). Finite Difference Method for Fluid-Film Bearings. Dans Wang, Q. J., & Chung, Y.-W. (édit.), Encyclopedia of Tribology (p. 1137-1143). Lien externe

Dadouche, A., Fillon, M., & DeCamillo, S. M. (2013). Hydrodynamic Fixed Geometry Thrust Bearings. Dans Wang, Q. J., & Chung, Y.-W. (édit.), Encyclopedia of Tribology (p. 1718-1729). Lien externe

Dmochowski, W. M., Dadouche, A., Fillon, M., & DeCamillo, S. M. (2013). Hydrodynamic Tilting-Pad Journal Bearings. Dans Wang, Q. J., & Chung, Y.-W. (édit.), Encyclopedia of Tribology (p. 1749-1757). Lien externe

Dadouche, A., DeCamillo, S. M., & Fillon, M. (2013). Hydrodynamic Tilting-Pad Thrust Bearings. Dans Wang, Q. J., & Chung, Y.-W. (édit.), Encyclopedia of Tribology (p. 1757-1765). Lien externe

DeCamillo, S. M., Dadouche, A., & Fillon, M. (2013). Journal Bearings in Power Generation. Dans Wang, Q. J., & Chung, Y.-W. (édit.), Encyclopedia of Tribology (p. 1877-1888). Lien externe

DeCamillo, S. M., Dadouche, A., & Fillon, M. (2013). Thrust Bearings in Power Generation. Dans Wang, Q. J., & Chung, Y.-W. (édit.), Encyclopedia of Tribology (p. 3682-3690). Lien externe

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