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Nikpay, M., Šeda, O., Tremblay, J., Gaudet, D., Merlo, E., Kotchen, T. A., Cowley, A. W., & Hamet, P. (2009). Pathway-Based Genetic Analysis of Habitual Substance Use and Response to Psychological and Physical Stress in French-Canadian Families Reveals Common Pathways of Synaptic Plasticity at Glutamatergic Synapses. Circulation, 119(10), E328-E328. External link
Šeda, O., Tremblay, J., Gaudet, D., Brunelle, P.-L., Gurau, A., Merlo, E., Pilote, L., Orlov, S. N., Boulva, F., Petrovich, M., Kotchen, T. A., Cowley, A. W., & Hamet, P. (2008). Systematic, Genome-Wide, Sex-Specific Linkage of Cardiovascular Traits in French Canadians. Hypertension, 51(4), 1156-1162. External link
Šeda, O., Tremblay, J., Brunelle, P.-L., Gurau, A., Gossard, F., Hamet, P., Merlo, E., Gaudet, D., Bouchard, G., Jomphe, M., Cowley, A. W., Broeckel, U., Kotchen, T. A., Gagnon, F., & Antoniol, G. Global haplotype signatures reveal gamma-glutamyl transferase as a genomic marker of hypertension with metalobic syndrome [Paper]. 21st Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension. Unavailable
Šeda, O., Tremblay, J., Merlo, E., Gaudet, D., Broeckel, U., Bouchard, G., Antoniol, G., Brunelle, P.-L., Gurau, A., Gossard, F., Pintos, J., Kotchen, T. A., Cowley, A. W., & Hamet, P. (2005). The Genomic Signatures of Hypertension. Hypertension, 46(5), 884-884. External link
Hamet, P., Merlo, E., Šeda, O., Broeckel, U., Kaldunski, M. L., Gaudet, D., Bouchard, G., Deslauriers, B., Gagnon, F., Antoniol, G., Kotchen, T. A., Tremblay, J., Pausova, Z., Labuda, M., Jomphe, M., Gossard, F., Kirova, R., Tonellato, P., Orlov, S. N., ... Cowley, A. W. (2004). Quantitative Founder Effect Analysis in French-Canadian Families Identifies Specific Alleles Contributing to Intermediate Phenotypes of Hypertension. Hypertension, 44(4), 510-510. External link