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Cournoyer, A., & Bertrand, L. (1996). Photothermal spectrometry of thermodynamical properties in the vicinity of the glass-transition of polymers. Progress in Natural Science, 6, 265-268. Unavailable
Cournoyer, A., Lévesque, D., Piché, L., & Bertrand, L. (1994). Application of photothermal methods to the measurements of glass transition and viscoelasticity of polymers. Journal de physique. IV, 4(7), 241-244. External link
Grmela, M., & Cournoyer, A. (1998). On thermodynamics of glasses. Open Systems & Information Dynamics, 5(1), 67-88. External link
Hénault, A., Cournoyer, A., Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1996). A study of dynamic thermal-expansion using a laser-generated ultrasound 1-d model. Progress in Natural Science, 6, 370-S373. Unavailable
Marchand, H., Cournoyer, A., Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1997). Phase optimization for quantitative analysis using phase fourier transform photoacoustic spectroscopy. Optical Engineering, 36(2), 312-320. External link