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Chen, H., Che, W., Chao, Y., Feng, W., & Wu, K. (2017). Revisiting and improvement of thru-reflect-line calibration for accurate measurement of substrate integrated waveguide components. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 11(1), 29-35. External link
Chen, H., Che, W., He, Q., Feng, W., Wei, X., & Wu, K. (2014). Compact substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) monopulse network for Ku-band tracking system applications. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 62(3), 472-480. External link
Chen, H., Che, W., Liu, Q., Gu, C., & Wu, K. (2014). Substrate-integrated waveguide matching terminations with microwave absorbing material. Electronics Letters, 50(17), 1216-1218. External link
Che, W., Deng, K., Yung, E. K. N., & Wu, K. (2006). H-Plane 3-Db Hybrid Ring of High Isolation in Substrate-Integrated Rectangular Waveguide (Sirw). Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 48(3), 502-505. External link
Che, W., Ji, X., & Wu, K. (2005). Characteristics Comparison of Substrate-Integrated Rectangular Waveguide (Sirw) and Its Equivalent Rectangular Waveguide. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 46(6), 588-592. External link
Che, W., Ji, X., & Wu, K. (2005, December). Dispersion characteristics of SIRW and its equivalent rectangular waveguide [Paper]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2005), Suzhou, China. External link
Che, W., Yung, E. K.-N., Wu, K., & Nie, X. (2004). Design Investigation on Millimeter-Wave Ferrite Phase Shifter in Substrate Integrated Waveguide. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 45, 263-275. External link
Che, W., Yung, E. K.-N., & Wu, K. (2003, October). Millimeter-wave substrate integrated waveguide ferrite phase shifter for wireless communication application [Paper]. IEEE Topical Conference on Wireless Communication Technology, Honolulu, HI, United states. External link
Che, W., Ma, J. P., Yung, E. K. N., & Wen, J. (2002). Microwave Ferrite Variable Polarizer in a Square Waveguide With Dielectric Loading. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 34(1), 70-73. External link
Ma, J. P., Che, W., & Mao, N. (2003). A 2d Near-Field Microwave Diversity Imaging System in Turntable Mode. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 36(5), 356-359. External link