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A word cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently used words in a text or a set of texts. The words appear in different sizes, with the size of each word being proportional to its frequency of occurrence in the text. The more frequently a word is used, the larger it appears in the word cloud. This technique allows for a quick visualization of the most important themes and concepts in a text.
In the context of this page, the word cloud was generated from the publications of the author {}. The words in this cloud come from the titles, abstracts, and keywords of the author's articles and research papers. By analyzing this word cloud, you can get an overview of the most recurring and significant topics and research areas in the author's work.
The word cloud is a useful tool for identifying trends and main themes in a corpus of texts, thus facilitating the understanding and analysis of content in a visual and intuitive way.
Chamanara, N., Achouri, K., & Caloz, C. (2017). Efficient Analysis of Metasurfaces in Terms of Spectral-Domain GSTC Integral Equations. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 65(10), 5340-5347. External link
Chamanara, N., & Caloz, C. (2017, August). Electromagnetic nonreciprocity, amplification and mixing in dispersion-engineered space-time-varying systems [Paper]. 32nd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS 2017), Montréal, Québec (3 pages). External link
Chamanara, N., & Caloz, C. (2017, July). Electromagnetic wave amplification based on dispersion engineered intraband photonic transitions [Paper]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting. External link
Caloz, C., Achouri, K., Lavigne, G., Vahabzadeh, Y., Chen, L., Taravati, S., & Chamanara, N. (2017, March). A guided tour in metasurface land: Discontinuity conditions, design and applications [Paper]. IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM 2017), Kumamoto, Japan. External link
Chamanara, N., & Caloz, C. (2016, April). Electromagnetic spectrum transformation in space-time modulated and dispersion engineered graphene surface plasmons [Paper]. 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2016), Davos, Switzerland (2 pages). External link
Chamanara, N., Vahabzadeh, Y., Achouri, K., & Caloz, C. (2016, September). Exact polychromatic metasurface design: the GSTC approach [Paper]. 10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (METAMATERIALS 2016), Crete, Greece. External link
Chamanara, N., Vahabzadeh, Y., Achouri, K., & Caloz, C. (2016, June). Spacetime processing metasurfaces: GSTC synthesis and prospective applications [Paper]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI 2016), Fajarjo, Puerto Rico. External link
Chamanara, N., & Caloz, C. (2015, July). Efficient numerical modelling of a special class of photonic crystals using the tight binding approach [Paper]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Vancouver, BC. External link
Chamanara, N., & Caloz, C. (2015, June). Magnetless graphene-ferrite infrared plasmonic isolator [Paper]. Photonic North (PN 2015), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2 pages). External link
Chamanara, N., & Caloz, C. (2015, July). Magnetless ring circulator based on nonreciprocal phasers [Paper]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Vancouver, BC. External link
Chamanara, N., & Caloz, C. (2015, November). Nonreciprocal graphene magnetoplasmons: latest advances [Paper]. International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2015), Hobart, TAS (3 pages). External link
Chamanara, N., & Caloz, C. (2014, May). Non-reciprocal graphene magnetoplasmons : terahertz components and devices [Paper]. 5th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2014), Singapore. Unavailable
Chamanara, N., Sounas, D., & Caloz, C. (2013, April). Optically transparent and flexible graphene planar microwave structures [Paper]. IEEE International Wireless Symposium (IWS 2013), Beijing, China. External link
Caloz, C., Shahvarpour, A., Sounas, D. L., Kodera, T., Gurlek, B., & Chamanara, N. (2013, May). Practical realization of perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEMC) boundaries using ferrites, magnet-less non-reciprocal metamaterials (MNMs) and graphene [Paper]. 21st International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS 2013), Hiroshima, Japan. External link
Chamanara, N., Sounas, D., Szkopek, T., & Caloz, C. (2013). Terahertz Magnetoplasmon Energy Concentration and Splitting in Graphene Pn Junctions. Optics Express, 21(21), 25356-25363. External link
Vahabzadeh, Y., Chamanara, N., & Caloz, C. (2018). Generalized sheet transition condition FDTD simulation of metasurface. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 66(1), 271-280. External link