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Camus, A., Choe, S., Bour-Cardinal, C., Isasmendi, J., Cho, Y.-J., Kim, Y., Irimia, C. V., Yumusak, C., Irimia‐Vladu, M., Myung, J., & Santato, C. (2024). Electrical response and biodegradation of Sepia melanin-shellac films printed on paper. Communications Materials, 5, 173 (13 pages). Available
Camus, A., Choe, S., Bour-Cardinal, C., Isasmendi, J., Cho, Y.-J., Kim, Y., Irimia, C. V., Yumusak, C., Irimia‐Vladu, M., Rho, D., Myung, J., & Santato, C. (2024). Erratum Correction: Electrical response and biodegradation of Sepia melanin-shellac films printed on paper. Communications Materials, 5(1). External link
Cecchi, T., Gao, Z., Clément, C., Camus, A., Karim, A., Girard, O., & Santato, C. (2023). Recovery of gold from e-waste via food waste byproducts. Nanotechnology, 34(6), 065203 (8 pages). Available
Camus, A., Reali, M., & Santato, C. (2022). Advances in high-resolution printed transistors: The case of bio-sourced organic materials. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 34, 100594 (14 pages). External link
Camus, A., Reali, M., Rozel, M., Zhuldybina, M., Soavi, F., & Santato, C. (2022). High conductivity Sepia melanin ink films for environmentally benign printed electronics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(32). External link
Matos-Peralta, Y., Reali, M., Camus, A., Niyonkuru, D., Hosseinsizadeh, M., Gao, Z., & Santato, C. (2023). Nature as the source of materials for more sustainable organic electronics. Material Matters (1), 18-22. External link
Niyonkuru, D., Camus, A., Reali, M., Gao, Z., Shadrack, D. M., Butyaev, O., Surtchev, M., & Santato, C. (2023). A nanoscale study of the structure and electrical response of Sepia eumelanin. Nanoscale Advances, 5(19), 5295-5300. External link
Niyonkuru, D., Carriere, A., Ambrose, R., Gouda, A., Reali, M., Camus, A., Pezzella, A., Hill, I., & Santato, C. (2022). Correction to: Locating the bandgap edges of eumelanin thinfilms for applications in organic electronics (vol 97, pg 837, 2022). Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 97(7), 1910-1910. External link
Niyonkuru, D., Carriere, A., Ambrose, R., Gouda, A., Reali, M., Camus, A., Pezzella, A., Hill, I., & Santato, C. (2022). Locating the bandgap edges of eumelanin thin films for applications in organic green electronic. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 97(4), 837-843. External link
Reali, M., Camus, A., Beaulieu, G., De Angelis, J., Pellerin, C., Pezzella, A., & Santato, C. (2021). Eumelanin: From Molecular State to Film. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(6), 3567-3576. External link